i have played The Champions 4 - World Domination and took a sae slot for having my achievements saved. now i wantedt to play it and the slot is empty... ? can anybody tell me, how i can save my developments in the game? thx for the following answers (hopefully) sorry for my english, i´m from austria :-)
@schwoch20 i dont know how this game saves, online or local, but i think its local.
Cookies must be enables, also make sure you (or your computer) dont delete save files/cookies. Some computers set to do this automaticly (for example when browser is shut down or when the computer shuts down), check your settings and, if needed, change them.
You can also try another browser and see if it works there (but this is a shot in the dark^^).
*side note: Hell-O neighbour, greetings from germany^^*