Bad with Poddlecrames is a word-based game. You are bad with poddlecrames. You're better with dames than you are with poddlecrames. Everyone but you knows what a poddlecrame is.
1. Tell the above user the definition of the word. It can be a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, etc.
2. Ask about a new made-up word.
Gantic: What is "poddlecrame"?
Player1: A "poddlecrame" is a word that everyone but you knows. What is "moscerate?"
Player2: "Moscerate" is the act of defiantly waving your pinky in the air. What is "oombly"?
Since I'm the first, I'll start:
What is "zasterin"?
()_() Gantic has taken over this thread.
(-ò_ó) Long live the Rabbit King!
o(")_(") Great is the White One!
Heruna, my dear Watson, is quite simply the act of inhaling lightning and then proceeding to fire poop lasers through your nostrils, inflaming them and rendering them useless in the production of mucus.