I ve been upgrading items to lvl 5 and as soon as I log out they revert to the lvl 1 description but are still lvl 5. The actual stats as in damage armor and life are fine they stay lvl 5. The problem is the description stats are going back to lvl 1 as in if it would have recovered 70 hp at lvl 5 it will go back to the lvl 1 stat of only 14 hp. It happens whenever you close out the game and reopen it. I tested it and it happens everytime. The only time it doesn't happen is if the item is equipped on ship and leave it equipped. It's pretty game breaking as ruins any item you put back in inventory that is leveled.
Thanks for reporting the bug I've already fixed this for the next patch and should be 1-2 weeks until it is on the store.
However, for when you equip the item, the module's power should still be set back to normal. It's just displayed incorrectly on the inventory page, but when used in the game it should be back to normal.