It seems that I can't play any games unless I pay to remove Ads. The Ads does not bother me but the link is not letting me play a single game whatsoever and pressed REMOVE but it goes straight to the Ad. (Sign-up for Ad-Free Gaming and remove ads on all game pages) PLEASE HELP??
Please note that I've not intended to imply that Armor Games is tricking people - really can't see how any of my comments can be taken that way - anyhow apologies to one and all if that's the message I appeared to be giving. I will try to get you a screen shot tomorrow. The game is Viking Clan.
I am having the same problem on my iPad and iPhone. It started the day you put this ad system in. It shows me the remove ad button the spot where the video is supposed to be is blank
Anyhow, Armor Games, now you have the screen shot. Basically there is no way to get rid of this screen.
I realize I said my piece on testing, Android popularity etc, but surely it can't be too hard to remove the ad free gaming option now, and do some tests and make sure it's compatible with the various platforms people are using?
By all means, figure out a way to get people to pay you more money, but the way you are currently doing things your shares of revenues will fall as people can't spend money IG (which is where people feel compelled to spend if the games are good). I've yet to try to see if access to the game is effectively blocked here as well, but, as far as I know, this has various options for people to play the same game (although, I would guess, on different servers).
Just letting you know that the problem described in this thread is still alive and kicking... Please let us know if the screen shots and commentary provided are inadequate and maybe someone can shed light on this situation from a different angle.
What needs to be clear here is this is not caused by Ad-Free Gaming+. Somewhere, maybe on the ad side of things, you guys skipped pre-game ads (That are shown in Flash, which doesn't work on mobile platforms) on mobile platforms. This wasn't intended. Our understanding was that iPads and Android Nexus tablets wouldn't be able to play games on our site. We actually redirect mobile platforms to a mobile page, to showcase the content that IS playable.
So you guys were able to play some of our site games mobile, which is in its own way great - but not intended. Now you guys can't, which sucks - but as I said, it wasn't something we originally supported. So where does that leave us?
Not in a good place it seems. We don't have the resources to make an immediate change to how this complicated system works. So here is what I'm going to do. You can e-mail me at with your Armor Games username. I will credit you 90 days of AFG+, which will allow you to play ad-free for that period of time.
After that however, whether it's fixed or not, you'll be on your own to continue crediting AFG+ or find a platform that is supported by us to play the games your playing, namely a non-mobile system.
Thank you for the offer. I will probably take you up on it. I'm beating a dead donkey, I know, but there's convergence between the mobile platforms and desktop. There are laptops running Android, and tablets running all sorts of operating systems. Basically, everything worked, as a player until 15 September (European time zone), and it'd be nice to take a step back and have everything work again.
The website has been available mobile for at least a half year. To break it on purpose seems foolish. A 90 day credit just delays the inevitable as Apple and Android have decided at a high level to no longer support flash and have moved to html5. All this decision to stick it out does is force me to a different site as I do most of my gaming on the go.
I admit I do hope they fix it after the 90 day trial. If not I will probably have to switch to a new game that supports mobile devices cause I am not always on my PC. More times than not I'm playing on my tablet.
Birkebeiner is correct. There is a lot of cross over now. Even tho you didn't intend for players to be using Mobile Devices they are. Players could use mobile devices till you started the pay to get rid of ads campaign.
Those players have 3 options now 1) Pay to git rid of the ads. Tho they can't even do that right now. Unless you fix it. 2) Use an AdBlock on their Devise. Yes there is AdBlock Plus for Android and iOS. 3) Take their business elsewhere.
It's not the ads themselves causing the issue. It's the Pay to get rid of Ads Button that is causing it I believe. I'm sure your programmers can fix it. If your programmers didn't do the coding, you should contact the service that did and make them fix it.
This Pay to get rid of ads Campaign is what is making your customers upset. Yes the players are your customers. It might even make Armor Games' Ad Revenue go down! If players can't play the way they want due to it they will probably either quit playing on Armor Games all together or install an AdBlock to fix it. Both of those cause the number of ads viewed to drop. This will lower Armor Games' Ad Revenue and it could be by a large amount.
I love Armor Games I've been playing here for a long time. Please fix the issues with the pay to get rid ads campaign. I should also mention that if players find ads too annoying they will also block ads.
Having to watch a commercial every time you refresh a game gets old real quick. I had Armor Games whitelisted till those started. They are causing players to block all ads on Armor Games. I know you probably make more income from each viewing of those ads, but if they cause your players to block ALL ads then they will actually cost you money in the long run. Just something you think about.
The issue isn't connected to a specific game; I can't launch any of them.
If mobile gamers is something you don't intend to support, I think you need to have a word with your marketing team. In this day and age, it seems remarkably short- sighted.