Earlier today I lost around 150 purchased crystals worth of gear and ships. I'd like to know how i get it back. The restore purchased items tool doesn't work so I'm at a loss here. Thank you.
Hi @Tribalog please send me the details of your lost account to my email at Krin@ArmorGames.com. I should be able to help. Tell me your:
- Display Name - What Sector you were up to - The Gems and Credits you had
It was a guest account right? This can sometimes happen when phones have their iOS updated from 6 to 7 (or 8). For anyone else to avoid this problem, I recommend linking the account with Facebook because it will be more secure and less likley for you to lose the data.
Tribal 8.? progression on the game doesnt matter as much as getting what i paid for back. honestly.. Credits - Around 150. That can all be verified through payments to you through my itunes hopefully.