ForumsGamesGemcraft CS: E+21?

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22 posts

So I'm playing a game right now, trying to farm out some high level talisman fragments, and the monster's HP has long passed the E+21 barrier. First time I ever saw this I was amused. Thought to myself I had broken the game, because the monster HP was so high it had to be shown as an equation. Later I found out that wasn't the case, saw some screenshots around here.

What I haven't figured out is what the variable E stands for. I have no idea how much HP 1.3E+22 is, or 3.6E+24 is. This has gotten to be a problem for me, because my managem is beginning to kill monsters (albeit slowly). I want to enrage the monsters further, but I have no idea what makes for a safe enrage amount, because I don't know how much dmg my killgem needs to have to kill them.

So if anyone could help me with this, I would be very grateful. I've tried google and the wiki first, but couldn't find anything. I might just be bad though and missed it.

Anyways thanks for the help. A screenshot of my current game for fun:

  • 6 Replies
268 posts

xEy .. or xey ... is a shorthand derived from scientific calculators (likely due to deisplay limitations).

It means, essentially, x * 10 ^ y.
1.3e22 means 1.3 * 10^22 ... or 13,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
3.6e24 means 3.6 * 10^24 ... or 3,600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

The 'e' means "times 10 to the power of".

But, be warned! There is a display bug still at play. In the gem's specials (chain hit length, leeces mana per hit, bloodbound, that area) the game will erroneously jump to the e21 when it is still actually, technically, at e19. Once you start to see "e" levels in that section, subtract 2 from the displayed "e" value.

22 posts

Thanks for the notice. Don't think I'll have problems with the display bug yet. Highest gem grade I've ever had before is on this game, grade 53. At this rate, don't know how long it will take me to upgrade again. Especially since I screwed up and used an amp gem for bombing and bout drained my mana. ./facepalm

Don't know how I missed that though. Been years since highschool... and I never used calculators much.

Anyways thanks a ton. With this, I can continue playing

259 posts

There's a thread for farming cores/talisman fragments to check out too, since I see you're not using mana-lock.

323 posts

I still don't care about display bug
For manafarming it is, besides improvement of gem-combining-formulas, totaly uninteresting how much mana a gem leeches. And for killgem:
When playing with all traits (incl. adaptive carap...carap... cara-something!), it(*) fits exactly. Dont know wheter the display bug happens to both, killgem and monster-info or due to something else...

(*): Enraging till max.damage*chance_to_deal_$$$_damage`= monster hp, I totally ignore armor, talisman_bonus and anything else...

268 posts

Taking the max damage a killgem can do, and multiplying it by the critical hit multiplier, is exactly how I calculate how much to anger a wave. I then multiply that result by 10 (since a 90% slow gem gives a trap that much more time at target).

The display bug is important here, though, because when the critical damage multiplier reaches 'e' levels, you have to divide the displayed critical multiplier by 100 (or, just subtract 2 from the 'e' amount). If the gem's damage is something e23 to5.550077900749e25 with a critical multiplier of 2.12345678901234e21, you would have to multiply 5.55stuffe23 times 2.12stuffe19 to find out the kill power of the gem, NOT the displayed 2.12stuffe21.

323 posts

Just right now my killgem does:
min.damage: 1.1e28
max.damage: 1.3e30
crit: 8.4e24
And I enrage to 1e55...
Works fine, the only monsters remaining on screen are from the wave I accidently overenraged to 5e58...

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