Bad With Colours - You are not color blind and you are not stupid. However you always have the names of the colours mixed-up! Your simply bad with colours!
The goal is to teach the user above you, what a specific colour is. However, since you have the colours all mixed-up yourself, you won't succeed.
Rules: 1. You are not allowed to respond to your own post. 2. You are not allowed to use any sexual references in your post. 3. You are not allowed to say anything that might offend someone.
The Game You begin by correcting the statement of the person above you, by giving the correct colour. Then you name something as an example, that's not that colour.
Example: Player1: Elephants are Blue. Player2: No, Elephants are Grey. Just like grass is Grey. Player3: No, grass is Green. Just like snow is Green.
Anime telah membina komunitasnya sendiri. Bergabung dengan populasi yang berkembang ini memberi orang-orang yang mungkin merasa sendirian kesempatan untuk menjalin ikatan dengan teman-teman yang mungkin tidak pernah mereka miliki. Meskipun beberapa orang mungkin percaya bahwa hal itu berdampak negatif pada penonton, orang itu sendiri tidak diubah oleh konten, tetapi bagaimana orang tersebut memilih untuk melihat konten tersebut. anime batch | | berita anime | anime batch