You roll a 20-sided dice. If you get a 20, the poster above you must change their Armatar!
Again... Please be a 20 = 13
[roll 1d20 lets goo]
Waffles...[roll 1d20 Waffles...]
Have this! DieMacho = 9
Last try! 1d20=8
Ilose = 20
This seems like fun.
ForumThreadRevival = 4
FirstTimeDoingThis = 20
Hope I don't mess up this or have to change my armatar XD
Actually, you only have to change your armatar if the poster below you rolls a 20. Also, your 20 will get @LordLazyLeopard.
YouDidntMessUp = 19
Darn, I liked the fox...
RestInPeaceFox = 7
I kinda want the person below to get a 20 I've been using this armatar for so long...
HereGoes = 20
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