You roll a 20-sided dice. If you get a 20, the poster above you must change their Armatar!
ItWillHappen = 9!
ItDidntHappenThisTime = 3
ThisTime = 4!
Nope = 9
ItWillHappen = 7
HahahNever = 19
ThatWasClose = 5
Meh = 3
ItWillHappen = 20
WHylife = 15
ItWouldHaveHappenedAtSom = 9e point.
Rollmeagain = 20
Ha, haha, @Saphire24 go change it.
AnEyeForAnEye = 15 Makes the whole world blind...But in this case, is fun.
Rollmeagain = 7
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