Say you want a job at... oh I don't know, McDonald's(ignoring minimum wage) and you're at the part where you have to write your resume. Well this is a place where you can see if you're perfect for the job or not.
First is the personal part of the resume, basically all you have to do is put your name and address. However, please don't put your actual address. There are too many stalkers here at ArmorGames and you wouldn't want Storm finding where you live.
Just put whatever you like for this one. For example you can put "Bachelor degree in chasing around kids in the neighborhood." Whatever you want.
Work experience
Have you worked in another job before applying at this one? What did you do at that job?
Major achievements
Tell about your most incredible achievements in whatever you did.
Other experiences
Anything else you would like to mention?
What are you interested in? What do you do for a hobby?
So are you ready to write your resume?
NOTE: This is all fictional, you don't have to post any actual information.
I don't really care. There's only a few things that make me explicitly google-able, and I already made the mistake of mentioning one of them once. That's how R2 found out my name. Pick, too, later, but that was because I made a dumb mistake.
There are too many stalkers here at ArmorGames and you wouldn't want Storm finding where you live.
I might bake you a pie. You never know..
My name begins with an M. But don't actually call me by it. I prefer Storm. I live in two different houses because my parents hate each other, and I go to a school that is far away from my house. I also have fingers.
My school is large, has good programs, and was noted as a super good school in a magazine once. There's also two buildings.
Work Experience
During the summer, I'm a camp counselor at some places. I'm slowly amassing an army of small children to conquer the world.
Major Achievements
I won fourth for my tier in a state-wide competition once. And I got "Superior" each time I joined the Young Artists piano competition. I only joined a few times, though.
Other experiences
Once I killed a man. Just kidding. Once I cut through the skull of a dead pig to see what its brain looked like. It bore a surprising resemblance to fat gray spaghetti. Intestines actually look like spaghetti, though, and people tend to disapprove when you remove the intestines from the dead thing and waggle it around.
I enjoy dissections. Also drawing and piano.
Now you know more about me than you've ever cared to know.
I am a human... I live in a house... I am a cisgender, heterosexual male... OH YEAH and my parental units decided to call me Cole
I'm Homeschooled... I finish school 2-3 hours before ALL OF YOU Evil laugh
Work experience
I am like Storm in the sense that I am a camp counselor at a camp and am brainwashing the youth...
Major achievements
I once ate an entire cinnamon roll tube
Other experiences
... Do I really look like the kind of person who willingly leave his house?
My name is my name. I like somewhere in the UK where people think they are gangsters and talk like they have never learned any English in their pathetic lives.
I go to a public school. Quite a big one for this country. My education interests include: pushing people out of my way in the hallways (I'm not a bully >.> and staring people down with my death stare (works particularly well on the smaller kids )
Work experience
I sit in the same room as children for money. Some may call it babysitting.
Major achievements
I leave the house sometimes... mainly for school. That's an achievement.
Other experiences
I once did this thing called the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh award. It involved walking and camping, it was actually quite enjoyable.
Kicking people hard, punching people, kicking people... oh wait I already said that one... errr... i like kickboxing. I also draw when I can find a pencil.
My education interests include: pushing people out of my way in the hallways (I'm not a bully >.> and staring people down with my death stare (works particularly well on the smaller kids )
My actually begins with an S but I prefer to be called Mino. I am the son of an ex-military. I'm also in a family largely based around combat. I'm an actual Minotaur. If you're bias I'll sue.
I was homeschooled for 6 years, which mainly consisted of doing 10 hours of "homework" and studying more then the hum - err, Minotaur mind can handle. I studied pretty much all subjects due to the fact I'm over curious. I was also trained by marines how to fight. Because of this, I am proficient in sniper riffles, hand guns, all pointy forms of weaponry, and hand to hand combat. Yay!
Work Experience
I can do finances. Because for some reason my family LOVES financial processing.
Major Achievement
To be accepted into the adult world as a fellow adult. That's frickin hard man.
Other Experience
Umm... I plead the fifth.
Math, physics, chemistry, engineering, fighting, umm... The rest I plead the fifth.
Say you want a job at... oh I don't know, McDonald's(ignoring minimum wage) and you're at the part where you have to write your resume. Well this is a place where you can see if you're perfect for the job or not.
What kind of McDonald's are you applying to that they require a resume. Pls r2 delete thrd