Hallo, my original accountname is Talamh. I have played last time at 23.11.2014 a 6:00 german time.
After i login now my Name switch to shamu1. I have never made this account/name. At some games am I loggt with talamh(gemcraft chapter two), in some Games i loggt with shamu1. If it possible, i whant to have my original account back.
Whats happen to me?
I have relog 4 times and have only sleep in the time since i have played the last time with Talamh and login with shamu1. I use Firefox
there you can see that i loggt in with two accounts
I don´t know whats happed, but my original account ist back. If you do somethink, thanks, if you haven´t serch for the bug please. I was realy chockt this day
@Ferret: Hey, it happens again. Im online at the one game, make a second browser opend and i´m willis 2640.
The screen of the two gameaccounts is on the link,