ForumsQuestsUnofficial All-Game Quest Hero Board

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11,891 posts

This is the unofficial All-Game Quest Hero Board. Since there isn't an official one on the Hero Board, this will do for now. If you've completed all of the quests for the games on this site, sign up here. This list is opt-in, so if you don't post here, you won't be listed. This thread will be outdated weekly (approximate time a new set of game quests is released), so check back in every time you have completed the newest set of quests.

When you first sign up, please post your total quests and the number of non-game quests. Non-game quests include Community Quests and Legacy Quests. I will verify these numbers and put you onto the list. Community Quests and Legacy Quests will not count toward your total but will be listed. These numbers make it easier to verify your count. You only need to do this once.

The list will be chronological. First by completion date, then by post date. If two people finished all current game quests on the same day, the first person to post their completion will be listed first.

Older lists for previous complete quests will be kept but not updated, so if you were on the previous complete list, you will still be on the old list until you complete the latest quests. If you were not on the previous complete list and you completed all up to the previous set of quests released after the newest ones were released, you will not be put on the old list. You need to complete the latest set of quests plus all previous game quests.

- If you have an bug with quests that is not allowing you to complete all game quests, this is not the place to post about it.
- If you completed the quest requirements, but the quest isn't showing up yet, this is not the place to post about it.

  • 3 Replies
11,891 posts

All Game Quests up to Keeper of the Grove 2 Quests

Someone else?

11,891 posts

Exceptions to All Game Quests
Quests that are known to be broken for multiple other users will be put on the list of exceptions. Again, this is not the place to post about a bug with a quest that is keeping you from earning all game quests.

List of Exceptions
The King of Towers: Head First

11,891 posts


Showing 1-3 of 3