what is armorgames armormas?
Armor games is a website for Flash Games, and includes a very kind and heart warming community.
Are you new here? Wait. a. minute.
I think you mean Armor Christmas
Armormas is a combination of Armor and Christmas, I think.
@LegoM4n Yep, @apldeap123 is correct. I've moved this post to Tavern.
An advent calendar! Awesome idea @Ferret!
But what exactly is Armormas? Will it just be a list of 12 games on the website?
Are we capable of unlocking like hidden quests during this period?
What exactly is special about the games other than that it's an advent calendar? I see that Tequila Zombies was released today, is it gonna just be a new game release every day?
Why is everyone asking questions about Armormas? Why am I asking questions about Armormas?
Edit: Actually I now see that it's an actual thing.
Most likely it'll be one of those, 'Play a Christmas game on Christmas' type quests.
The Armormas page just leads back to the homepage.
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