ForumsGamesGC:SC Talisman Rarity

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3 posts

I've got to ask a question about talisman...

I'm level 1837, I have 100 rarity fragments on all of my talisman other than the inner circle - these seem very difficult to obtain, of the inner ones I have one 100 one, the rest various from 90 to 99.

What dictates how a fragment is rewarded - I seem to get loads of outer ones, very few inner ones.

Also, I can easily get rarity 90 to 99, but 100 is very difficult.

Other than simply playing the game on the max level again and again, what can I do to improve my changes of an inner fragment of 100 rarity.

I usually play field Y6 on max traits on haunting...

Merry Christmas!

  • 2 Replies
268 posts

I might not get this exactly right, but ...

As I recall, someone decompiled the game and looked for that bit of code (think it was ieee but I'm not 100% sure). I want to say they told me they found that bit of code, and its basically a 1% to 100% range, taken twice, which are then multiplied together. That number is then used to determine where in the rarity range that specific talisman fragment lies.

That is why it is so much easier to get lower fragments within the range than higher fragments, and why that +10 thing doesn't seem to help all that much, even though its working wonderfully (being applied after the multiplication).

135 posts

I decompiled this piece yesterday, it is as follows:
Let rand() be a random number extracted from [0,1].
Then Rarity=RarityMin+(RMax-RMin)*rand()*rand()
Then the rand() are rolled another time and the maximum of the 2 rolls are used.

So there's not the same probability to get a high rarity fragment (the probability distribution is -log(x) if you are into this), getting a low one is much more probable.

Basically what Astro said, but more math-tastic.

Have fun farming

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