ForumsGamesLost Archieves of GOG:Battle Lord of the Rings REVIEW

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If you have read my previous thread on the Games of Gondor, this will lead to the review and the piecing together of the mechanics of this game.

If you have not read it.....READ IT.
Link to it.

Okay, Firstly this game is great. As simple as it may seem, it has great game mechanics that need uncovering.

You play as Gandalf in a LotR universe.

You play in 5 different locations, SHIRE, MORIA, FANGORN, MINAS MORGUL and MORDOR.
It is generally a turn based combat semi RPG game. You play against an Orc (sometimes a Nazgul in MINAS MORGUL) and take turns in a specific move. You upgrade sword and staff. You can change stats to advantage your next game.

Orc blade, Théoden's sword, Sting, Nazgul, Narsil, Anduril, Witch King of Angmar.
(NOTE: The some Sword names are the carrier's name. The reason for the developer to do this is unknown.)

(The starter staff has no literal name because it only shows the name once you get it)Unknown, White Wizard.

The stats earn by each win. once achieved, can be used upgrading HP, MANA, STRENGHT, DEFENCE and MAGIC.

The statements that take place beyond here totally not certain and definite.
These were taken by acts of experiments.


I mainly tried working on seeing how much damage does each move take.

Because I found out that your damage on each move increases every exp, I needed to do each move test on a new game file to make this accurate. The Doom Move I could not do because it needed an upgrade and that ultimately would disprove the accuracy.

Damage is measured on the HP minus on Orc
Sword (Orc blade)=55,56,49,53 (x_)=53.25
Strike=73,60,76,71 (x_)=70
Bomb=108,95,103,103 (x_)=102.25
Destroy=144,131 (x_)=137.5

(NOTE: The ('x_') average and the Destroy was taken in two scores)


Since the task of researching the mechanics is long. This post will go under editing once every time I have found a common mech.
Why not just post reply? so i keeps it tidy.
PLEASE COMMENT and feel free to add it things you found.

*Music in Battle mode is "requiem for a Dream".
*Music in Menu is the "Lord of the Rings"
*There seems to be only two staffs..?
*A Nazgul appears in Minas Morgul once campaign is completed.
*It is Unknown what moves the Orc (Nazgul) has.

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