The game Vortex Wars works on Internet Explorer but not on FireFox, which I use the most. It keeps giving me the PLAY button. How do i fix this? PS. What is clearing the cache? How do you clear it?
duration: since reset of armorgames after the "you can't play" bug
- games size incorrectly, eg. Castle Knight, SwitchBot, Free Fred
- menu does not shown, eg. Upgrade Complete 3mium
These worked perfectly before the Big Glitch.
browser: internet explorer
Castle Knight: Armor Games logo loads infinite times
Upgrade Complete 3mium: takes forever to load, and after the loading-bar fills nothing happens.
Tested the same examples from above just for being asked. Don't use this browser otherwise. (And I won't try Chrome, because that is not a browser, but a virus, so nono to instal.)
@twillight2 This seems like a completely different issue. I've never heard that Chrome is a virus, it's what all people on professional levels and our office use as a browser. But regardless, what happens when you use a "Privacy" browser in FireFox?