Rumors of witchcraft are flying about, and no one is safe. State why you think the person above you is a witch. Have fun!
Dat laughter xD
There's other form of you?... WITCH!!
First you're calling me a witch because I am a penguin and then you call me "Poor Penguin" ?! YOU WITCH!
I was on your side and you talk to me like that? you must be a WITCH!!
You must be a witch because you were on someone's side! WITCH!
You became really famous in really short time. WITCH!!
You have told the royal truth...again! WITCH!
He's not a hawk, he's an EAGLE! How could say something like that, Witch?!
Thanks for that @Gogotank.
You're always commenting before me. Witch!
You're always flying in here! WITCH!
You have white dress.. WITCHES are known by that!
Witches sometimes like to look like Ninjas like you. WITCH!
That isn't true, Witch!
Penguins are the most common pets of witches. Witch!
You keep flying into this forum, you HAVE to be a WITCH!
You're becoming most active player here.. WITCH!!
You're always sneaking into the forum posts after I post something! WITCH!
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