Many parents today face an important, yet difficult decision concerning their male children: Whether or not to circumcise. Circumcision, a practice dating back thousands of years, has been practiced by many groups of people around the world, most notably the Jewish people. Today, however, this practice has been criticized by many people, labeling it a cruel and inhumane practice, even comparing it to genital mutilation. But there are still others who believe it is beneficial to the human body, even necessary.
How do you feel: Does circumcision give the human body any benefits?
Is circumcision still necessary? Or is this a 'cruel and inhumane' practice?
i think people should be given the choice when they get older, not forced to go through the pain as a baby /:
People don't remember any events that occured to them when they were still infants, so one could argue that it would be merciful to circumcise a person when he is just a baby.
I am against, especially when done on a baby. There is absolutely no positive in that, so all arguments, that it is more hygienic or healthy are obsolete.
If someone wants it, please, I do not forbid it, but I do not see any reason why doing so.
People don't remember any events that occured to them when they were still infants, so one could argue that it would be merciful to circumcise a person when he is just a baby.
Only if he is to be circumcised no matter what, then you could argue that way. Of course, just because we don't remember something doesn't mean it doesn't affect us later on, but since I don't know whether it affects people or not this latter point is purely speculative.
not too sure.
im circumstized, im happy im circumstized because its part of my traidtion, and god im happy it happened to me when i was so young because honestly, i wouldnt go with it if i could choose it because im a coward.
i think to get an answer for this, we have to do some research about how much it really does effect someones life. and honestly? since this is something religious and traditional (at least its supposed to be), even people who dont want to do it will still do it if they live in a traditional place.
if i have a boy, i wont circumstize him, simply because i think its not that important.
can you prove that? i think no research has actually managed to prove it. and i personally know people who got it cut later when they were already sexually active and they told me theres no difference.
can you prove that? i think no research has actually managed to prove it. and i personally know people who got it cut later when they were already sexually active and they told me theres no difference.
The glans contains a lot of nerves which helps in orgasms. Also, when you put it in, it get's some of the lubricants produced by the vagina so it will be also lubricated.
The glans contains a lot of nerves which helps in orgasms. Also, when you put it in, it get's some of the lubricants produced by the vagina so it will be also lubricated.
the fact nerves arent there anymore doesnt mean it feels less good. in fact, since the nerves of the part that the cut part (idk its name) are more sensitive, its even logical to say that it feels better without it.
not sure what you mean by the second part. so when its cut, the deeper part gets lubricated and its just the same.