Its time, to go back to ww2. I believe that modern fps is beginning to falter. The sales for call of duty are still high, but it isnt the same as world at war, or the first 3. Look at Medal Of Honor, a great series, THAT DIED WHEN IT LEFT WW2! Call of Duty, LOST ITS TOUCH WHEN IT LEFT WW2! I may seem insane to some of you guys, but i will post this all over treyarch's forums.
Now im not saying that it should be all allies, perhaps a german, japanese, or italian campaign? A revival is in order, but in which direction?
Before now there was a massive overdose of WW2 games, so there is no huge demand for more WW2 games really. The new FPS trend seems to be going further into the future so I doubt there will be a Triple A WW2 for awhile.