Ban the person above you Game...You don't really get banned just a game.Nothing people will take too offensive and start an arguementEx:Fst6 startsEX:Person 1:FST6 is banned for being awesomeEX:Person 2:P1 is banned for banning and so forth!I can't ban the person above me cause there is none so person below me starts!
MissingTeddyHanssen is banned for having a cooler avatar than me.
banned for having a better avatar than me =/
Banned for... Wow, that is actually a pretty good avatar, Roxofrs.Oh yeah, Magi is banned for hatin' on dat avatar.
Your banned because...I have no power to actually ban you!(and because you punch babies)
you are banned because your name is not very original
your arre banned cause I wanna
you're banned for having an elephant avvy (i want it! D
Your banned cuz I said so!
Your banned because I can be the only crazed person on AG!
But ur name not crazed soo that means ur banned! :P
your banned cause pinguins are mean
armoredbruno is banned because...well...umm..well i have no idea actally...hes just banned lol.ohh i no y hes banned..cause well...umm..i still dont no lol..hes banned and thts it!
Oinkage is banned for banning somebody for no reason at all!
Bigbrain is banned for banning someone for the reason of not having a reason
99percentcomplete is banned for being uncomplete.
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