Ban the person above you Game...You don't really get banned just a game.Nothing people will take too offensive and start an arguementEx:Fst6 startsEX:Person 1:FST6 is banned for being awesomeEX:Person 2:P1 is banned for banning and so forth!I can't ban the person above me cause there is none so person below me starts!
You're banned because I relilized thatstarting a new line everythree words is annoying.That is why Iocassionaly switch itup. You're welcome.
You're banned becauseI ninja'd you and calledout R3LOAD on hypocrisy
You're banned because I may have a record for most ninja attacks on this thread.
You're banned becauseon this thread, any amountof ninja'ing is possible.I got ninja'd by and entirepage yesterday
You're banned, because you called me out for hypocrisy, when there was none, since, 'R3LOAD' is not spelt wrong. The '3' replaces 'E'. This is called leet, or '1337'. 3 - E. Therefore, I spelt it right.
You're banned becauseyou think I don't knowwhat 1337 is. And usingnumbers where there aresupposed to be lettersdoesn't mean it's right
You're banned because Turtelman1234 doesn't have enough AP for the turtle armatar.
You're banned becauseI feel you even agreewith me when it comesto replacing E's with 3's
You're banned because I do agree with you.
You're banned becauseI think this is thefirst time ever thatwe've agreed on something
You're banned for one reason or another, and to back it up, I have this: :-D
You're banned for using a smiley as a backup.
you're banned because now he has even morebackup.
You're banned because the smileys are not at war with anyone. Therefore, they cannot be used as backup.
You're banned for neutralizing smilies. Now, I've called better backup!
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