Ban the person above you Game...You don't really get banned just a game.Nothing people will take too offensive and start an arguementEx:Fst6 startsEX:Person 1:FST6 is banned for being awesomeEX:Person 2:P1 is banned for banning and so forth!I can't ban the person above me cause there is none so person below me starts!
You're banned because the silver chain is no more.
youre banned for representing mankind with a bear such nonsense also you damaged by chain again i was trying to do a silver chain.....maybe i come in gold sometime and we do a gold chain! cheers
you're banned because bears are awesome but not as awesome as horses :P
You're banned because I've got wood and you don't.
You're banned for making Anakin Skywalker turn to the Dark Side.
You're banned for supporting the Dark Side. And because of that...*Kills you with my lightsaber*
you're banned for killing Jimmy with a lightsaber
You're banned for being banned multiple times by me.
You're banned for being banned multiple times by him.
You're banned because it's good for your health! xD
You're banned because your name reminds me of a salad.
You're banned for stealing the name of a Star Wars character.
you're banned because it has been hours since anyone has post on this
You're banned because you're one rank higher than me.
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