Ban the person above you Game...You don't really get banned just a game.Nothing people will take too offensive and start an arguementEx:Fst6 startsEX:Person 1:FST6 is banned for being awesomeEX:Person 2:P1 is banned for banning and so forth!I can't ban the person above me cause there is none so person below me starts!
You're banned because I'm changing the subject before Patrick2011 has a chance to respond.
You're banned for substitute banning.
(the subject will definitely be changed now)You're banned because I'm wearing a Pantera shirt.
you're banned cause i just got the gold knight
You're banned because I'm getting close 200 AP away from Gold Knight.
you're banned cause i am a long way away from wood lord
You're banned because I'm still a gold knight. And not ranking up very fast at all.
You're banned because you have many more posts than devsaupa.
You're banned because I'm the lowest rank on this page.
You're banned because I'm the highest rank on this page.
you're banned because i have a lower rank than you
You're banned because I have a higher rank than you.
you're banned for ignoring his awesome name.
You're banned because I don't know anyone here anymore.
you're banned cause you haven't posted on this thread in a while if at all and i am not going to go through all the pages to find out and if i get ninja'd i am going to be mad
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