billygoat94 is banned for banning even though he has been banned prior to him banning other people and therefore making his bannings void. Billygoat is also banned for banning cmd games, who didn't really have anything against me to ban me.
kabloogle is banned for saying that i am banned even though i had been banned prior to me banning other people and therefore making my bannings void. i am also banned for banning cmd games, who didn't really have anything against me to ban me.and kabloogle is also banned for having a weird name
billygoat94 is banned for dissing my sweet name even though it is clearly superior to his name, which is that of a common farm animal. Kabloogle is the name of my international corporation in media.
Kevin44 is banned for banning billygoat94, which is my job. But otherwise I'd ask kevin44 to join with me in tormenting billygoat94 by banning him repeatedly. Well?