Ban the person above you Game...You don't really get banned just a game.Nothing people will take too offensive and start an arguementEx:Fst6 startsEX:Person 1:FST6 is banned for being awesomeEX:Person 2:P1 is banned for banning and so forth!I can't ban the person above me cause there is none so person below me starts!
You're banned for calling drew333 ignorant when he said that you misspelled achmed. Besides, I think achmed has to do with the story behind your username.
You're banned because acmed was my Addictinggames account, but I misspelled it. I then got used to it and made it my AG account.
You're banned for saying AG for Armor Games when you also mentioned Addicting Games, which also has the initials AG.
your banned for just pwning acmed 2 times over!!!
You're banned for defending acmed.
your banned for not taking that as a compliment to you.
You're banned for calling the defense of acmed a compliment.
your banned for not getting what im trying to say
You're banned for continuing to argue with me.
You're banned for helping to make this page full of white shields, most of them being with green backgrounds.
You're banned for not liking so many shields on the same page.
your banned for agreeing with me.
You're banned for being nonsensical.
You're banned because I never stated that I didn't like so many shields on the same page.
You're banned for attempting to refute my inference.
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