my girlfriend actually asked this interesting question recently and I figured it would make for an interesting topic. How would things be different if straight marriage was illegal and gay marriage was legal?
to be honest i had no idea how to reply to this either
but there are still tax disadvantages for many married couples depending on the level of revenue.
the fact that 1 can jump in for the other when something might happen, without extra taxation is still a big + for married people right? at least around here there is allot of tax on financial gifts, what becomes 0% when married. but i agree that overall it's not great. and certainly not worth to do it for this reason only.
we had a ban on concubinage until relatively recently
=S how do you ban that? "concubinage" is a prohibition of it's own from what i read on wiki.. =S
Here, since 2013 a couple can decide whether each spouse keep their name, or they decide on one as the common family name.
we got something like that as well here for some time now. well, the woman still gets the male's name as family name. (so we still have strange combinations =P ) but people are free to choose either last name for their child now. it wasn't like that in the 90's =)
First things first I personally think our world would not have made it this far. One of the biggest conflicts we face to day is sexuality rights. What I think would happen personally is :
1. population would be at an extremely low level.
2.Instead of homosexuals ranting on about their civil rights it would most likely be the other way around.
If we take this subject and view it from a simple logistic stand point we would come to find that in no world would a man and man or women and women marriage be a dominant way of living, If you think about from the way of people like me, there s no scientific way a man can reproduce with a man or a women with a women, when it comes down to the point that a same gender couple would like to have children, they always go and find someone to help them do the job.
What I am getting at is... basically in no universe would a world thrive with homosexuality being the legal way of living . when it comes down to it, I believe God created the Man and he created The Women no where in the Bible does God approve of Homosexuality, even Christians try to defend their sin with scripture, but in the end truth will remain and we will all be judged for our sins because we are held accountable, and I know a lot of people hear Christians rant on about what the bible does say and what it doesn't and they preach condemnation, We as Christians are called to share the good news of the gospel of Christ, not force anybody into submitance. with that being said and maybe some of that was off of subject, but who cares, Right?, I said my truth and I am going to leave it at that.
@GamerGirl98 If homosexuality or same-sex marriage were legalised tomorrow, I very much doubt that you'll turn lesbian/gay. Likewise, homosexuals aren't currently marrying heterosexuals just because same-sex marriages are banned. Population growth wouldn't be a problem.
In other news, congratulations Ireland for that historic event! Fantastic that such a relatively devout nation could do just that!
[...] there s no scientific way a man can reproduce with a man or a women with a women, when it comes down to the point that a same gender couple would like to have children, they always go and find someone to help them do the job.
Marriage ≠ Reproduction. Why does everyone keep confusing these two?
when it comes down to it, I believe [...]
What you personally believe is irrelevant to the discussion. Statistically speaking, it's almost a certainty that another person believes that all heterosexual partnerships are the product of evil and grounds for ****ation, and there's really no valid reason to favour your belief over theirs.
We as Christians are called to share the good news of the gospel of Christ, not force anybody into submitance.
Um, actually...
with that being said and maybe some of that was off of subject, but who cares, Right?, I said my [personal belief] and I am going to leave it at that.
Everyone who has more than a passing interest in keeping the discussion from being diverted into endless irrelevant sub-topics cares.
Gay marriage only being legal is pretty weird, because if you look at the history, straight marriage has always been legal. So in a distant world, that would mean than everyone in history would have been gay and somehow they reproduced. So that means, that in that distant world, straight marriage is our gay marriage which doesn't really bring anything because you can't make children. So in a distant world, the answer to the thread question is: Awesome!