this is funny you know. armorgames is a great place to find great games made by great devs but, games (now-a-days) have become less and less well rated. is it just me or did anyone else notice this?
I've noticed it, but the only reason for that (if you're talking about games on AG) is because, they just don't blow people's minds away. Games that are rated over 90/100 are truly great. There are never games at exactly 100, because there are always pessimists. It takes a really good game to make a user not play the game just for quests.
There's really nothing that can be done about it unless a dev makes a huge game.
true but, there are many great games that can be made/brought to AG yet no one does anything. its like there are more people [FPS bros] that want a really linear game instead of an open world type game where the player gets a choice on his/her character.
There are many open world games here, but you have to know that creating open world games aren't as easy as you think, especially with flash. You can't really expect flash games to not be linear, they work behind a system where objects are always just 2D. that's why flash games are simple. They don't have engines behind them like console games do to create a more 3D and open world experience. Though there a lot of games that are open world, you just have to find the right ones.
Also, AG can't allow every game to be brought to the site, they are first tested and there's a process. Some games just don't make it. I don't know the full details, but I know games go through @Tasselfoot who could probably answer your questions better than I.
If you have a few, specific games that you feel are missing from Armor... please let me know what they are. There's either a reason we don't have them or I can look into getting them for the site.
Thanks! And please @mention me... I don't check the forum much otherwise.