Forums → News and Feedback → Quest, Ranking, title, point system (feedback, suggestion)
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Because lately I am quite angry at AG. This made me in chat with someone who later in the conversation asked what is in my opinion a fair and viable system. Nobody will be interested but I put it down here anyway.
I would love to get some feedback about that I'm completely wrong or I do have a point somehow.
Intro - What is a honest quest system (according to me)
First of all: what is (according to me) a honest quest system.. a system that has a limit, and no points unobtainable seems to me the logical path. How we do ? We reintroduction the old Armorgames Quest, introduction title's and we make the quest difficulty variable also we calculate points to each quest so that hard to get quests are worth more than easy quests also the possibility for admins to add some bonus points to quests.
What goes away/what will remain
As described above, we reintroduce en introduce and alter some things.. the biggest of all we be a title how and what you will read further in this comment. But here is a full list what's in my mind:
Difficulty each quest
How a variable point system works ? well there are 816 game quests, the hardest to get has 20 completed ( Shusi master, Sushi Cat-a-pult) while the most easy has 672.009 completed (Sand Warrior, Kingdom Rush Frontiers). We divide all the quests into 4 groups like now Hard, Medium, Easy and the new Impossible with a fixed percentage in which group they belong and we give them points for each group also introducing a new difficulty Impossible.
Also Admins can give Quest more points so a quests have a sum of there variable and fixed points. Example Sushi master is so rare that tasselfoot add an extra of 50 points to this quest so the quest is worth 175 when it becomes a rarity of hard this quest will have only a worth of 75 but still be more worth than another hard quest but still less than impossible
the next step is obviously that we call this rarity in instead of difficulty.
A cronjob will update every day the worth of each quest.
Website quest => Title
The next step is the title of each player. The title is base upon ranking and also an user-choice part. Because we reintroduce those old ranking.
Title will look like this [ranking] [user-choice] and we keep the website quest but with zero points.
Possible earn able use-choice title.. (a few examples):
Legendary Quests (old armor games quest) => reintroduction
The ranking system has 7 ranks where 4 highest ranks has gender related thing and these are divided in 3 classes ( wood, silver, gold ) for each rank.
How we give a rank to people? We take the maximum possible points and divide this in 21 blocks (7 * 3). Example maximum points (415 easy + 1670 medium + 1250 hard + 2125 impossible) 5460 / 21 = 260.
So if you have between 5200 and 5460 points you will have the rank of Gold King / Gold Queen. As in further there will be more quest you have to maintain your rank and you can also fall back on a lower rank. Also you can gain rank when an Admin makes a game as popular or lose rank when impossible quest become hard or even medium.
When you lose you rank as Gold King for example you don't lose the quest or armatar!
Legendary Quests (April Quest) => Title
Those quest will have no value but give you a title you can pick. example:
Title (the big change)
I give you already a few examples on how i see how this will work in my opinion. For most it give an idea how active you are or was in AG.
Armatars based on title and ranking
Armatars based on a ranking should be available: example a king/queen armatar when you reach this rank.
Extra page for Artist, builders, Conveners, Guide, bugkillers..
In this example Darkfire46 list of successful count in 100.
For Drawings there will be a list of there images with source etc..
This is only the opinion of one person there much more people that have an own version of there perfect armorgames quest system the difference is maybe that this system self maintain and less scripting work.. everything is already on AG. there no big scripting work to be done you don't need to add points to every quest. most of work is the prestige board of each user to fill will the content they need. I realize this is never going to be implanted or AG will even look or think about this but i really like to know what you think of this honest system.. i'm wrong ???
Just my form of criticism, but a lot of what you're suggesting is unnecessary. Especially when we hit the titles part.
There was a ranks system in the past, where users would unlock more and more armatars as they progressed, but this system was abused when people would spam comments and posts for points. So I'm pretty sure the AG team are working on a solution for having some sort of points system whilst avoiding abuse of the comments system and posting.
You're system for points based on quests seems a little bit incomplete because the community in AG is also big thing here, the forums and the users. There are a small amount of users who never play games here but just post in the forums. I used to be one of those users, and even now the
forums dominate my interest in AG.
I guess that's all I have to say without going to deep into detail.
How we do ? We reintroduction the old Armorgames Quest, introduction title's and we make the quest difficulty variable also we calculate points to each quest so that hard to get quests are worth more than easy quests also the possibility for admins to add some bonus points to quests.Those quests are compensation for an old feature that was removed. Making them available again would be ill-advised, and reintroducing titles would lead to confusion for new users and devaluation of the original titles.
Also i assist on a Admin feature to check the game as popular game. This multiple the people needed to complete with 10. ( Easy 1 point, more than 100.000 people completed this quest..I have no idea what this is supposed to mean.
[...] because 1 impossible quest is worth 125 points and people wanna have that 125 points so more gameplay and ads...That's completely illogical. People wanting points doesn't increase ad revenue. People want to complete difficult quests for the prestige of completing difficult quests. That should be all the motivation the gamer needs. Adding more would produce an overjustification effect.
the next step is obviously that we call this rarity in instead of difficulty.Um...Why bother?
This whole thing looks like an overcomplicated P.R. nightmare, and I don't see any real merit to it.
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