@MrDayCee Thank you very much, i can accept post of me get deleted sometimes but i'm trying to be more friendly and if without any reason i'm not so happy then but but but.. thank you for your time, don't hurry, i can wait
@Andelhofs I've asked around and had a look at the deleted posts and it was clear right away why deletion took place. There was excessive swearing in the content, which is not allowed as you may know... neither is promoting ways to circumvent website programming tools. There were no repercussions for these, but you can understand that there may be in the future if this were to happen again.
Furthermore, Admins and Moderators do not need to explain their actions, personally or publicly. But if they do choose to, it is at their own discretion and choice to explain after a request was made. This means that this answer to you was our choice to be kind and answer your request...
I will leave it at this and assume you were informed sufficiently about your questions. If this is the case I will lock the thread after you posted, ok?
I was a post where a told the one he should buy afg+... i dit not swear and there was no reason to delete.. can you find that message for me ?
I'm verre disapointed... that post where i tell people to support AG.. get deletend and accuses me of swearing... i rally like to know wij mod/admin did this..
I'm doing this to amuse you, but the message is clear-cut @Andelhofs...
Support AG by buying AFG+.. i cost a total of 20 dollars a year.. that's nothing.. you pay much for food every month.. (and almost everyone that read this, eat to much)
Downside of it.. AG uses paypal... and paypay is a cheating b******* **** **** **** *** *** ******.. I did buy it one more time (6 months) but after that AG cannot longer see my support.. (they refuse to use other payment methods)
If you don't like to support AG but wanna have a better screen.. meet me in chat and i will help you ;-)