Remember the thread R2 made about random superpowers (once again, great idea R2! Thanks!)? Well, I decided it was time for some...aggressive expansion.
Same rules. Go to the wiki (found here) and click that random page button. Let's see what you are afraid of...
- Click the blue link button and paste the URL (like you did). Then type something (or paste the URL again) and then click the blue "Link" button again, to "end" it (when you click it for a second time, you will notice that it wil be a "/link" button instead
- Click the blue link button and paste the URL (like you did). Then type something (or paste the URL again) and then click the blue "Link" button again, to "end" it (when you click it for a second time, you will notice that it wil be a "/link" button instead
Alternatively, type something (like the name of the phobia), then highlight it, click the "link" button and insert the link. It'll do the brackets automatically around the highlighted part.
. Automysophobia
The fear of being dirty. Might as well combine this with a random water superpower => endless showers and cleanliness
I got prasinphobia, fear of the color green. In case anyone was wondering, no, i am not scared of the color green. Santaphobia's better. I think people can guess what that's about without the link.
The wiki in question greatly exaggerates the meaning of the word “phobia”. If people were to pay attention to what a phobia actually is (phobia is defined as an extreme or irrational fear), stupid wikis like this would not exist. For example, I think it is very safe to say that no one has ever had prasinphobia ^. You might dislike the color green, but feeling extreme fear when you see it or hear its name mentioned? C’mon, give me a break. Let’s continue. My fear of being attacked by dogs is probably a little extreme, so I guess you could say that I have whatever phobia that is (I can’t remember the Latin root for dog, and I’m not about to scour this stupid wiki looking for it). Some phobias like this are real (claustrophobia, etc…), and mine of dogs is actually founded on something; I’ve endured two attacks from both a pitbull and German shepherd. I managed to get away from both without serious injury, but my mind always starts racing whenever I’m walking down the street and some big dog is growling at me from behind a tiny fence, cont...
The political misuse of the word phobia...
... Another HUGE misuse of the phobia word is in the case of trans, homo, and whatever sort of other names there are for pervert-sexuals. I have never met anyone who was afraid of these individuals; I’ve met lots of people who strongly disliked these individuals, but none who actually feared them. Terminology like this is ONLY used in a lame attempt by liberal trend-setters to make straight people look like irrational monsters. Quite frankly it’s wholly ineffective, pathetic, and nauseating.
In short, just because you can put the Latin root for something at the beginning of the word phobia doesn't mean that that thing actually exists!!!!!!!
... Another HUGE misuse of the phobia word is in the case of trans, homo, and whatever sort of other names there are for pervert-sexuals. I have never met anyone who was afraid of these individuals; I’ve met lots of people who strongly disliked these individuals, but none who actually feared them. Terminology like this is ONLY used in a lame attempt by liberal trend-setters to make straight people look like irrational monsters. Quite frankly it’s wholly ineffective, pathetic, and nauseating.
Terms such as homophobia or xenophobia are not meant to qualify a clinical phobia, everyone understands it means a hatred towards homosexuals or outsiders. With the first part, you run in open doors, screaming; but you add what seems in this light like a highly unjustified conclusion.
As for the various phobias, many of them exist, many are probably not real phobias, and some are more like puns (see Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia, the fear of long words; the hippopomonstro- part is obviously a joke, as it is actually only known as sesquipedaliophobia (and I'm not even sure that that is an actual phobia)).
it means a hatred towards homosexuals or outsiders
I don't and have never felt hatred towards these individuals, I just don't care about them or their well being. I wouldn't go out of my way to help them, but at the same time I wouldn't wish or case harm on them as long as the don't cause any to us. If you are wondering what my """"""Phobia"""""" actually is relating to this matter is, it's how certain peeple tWiSt AnD MiSuSe WoRdZ 2 MeAn WhAtEvEr ThEy WaNt ZeM 2 2 MaKe people ZaT ZeY dOn'T LiKe LoUk BaD.. Now, apparently since the word phobia is being used to describe a VAST number of feelings, dispositions, etc.. it no longer means "an extreme or irrational fear", but rather whatever word manipulators want it to? Or did I just say that?
The specific phobias are the most crazy. here is the link to a list by wikipedia but if you distrust that information, the phobias linked above are not necessarily from that site.
Phobias, just like many other psychiatric diseases, utterly weird. Ever heard of the stockholm syndrome? Does it sound less crazy to you? How about the Freggoli Syndrome?
But, at any rate, this discussion is out of the main point of this thread. I cannot guarantee the actual existence of every phobia found in the wiki, but I can assure you that people can be afraid of very, very strange things...
Anyway, my phobia for today, would be:
Igniterroremophibia The fear of the fire alarm going off...Well, it doesn't work well with my arsonist talent
Automatonophobia The fear of fake sentients like mannequins, animatronics, wax statues, and even the possibility of having necrophobia, the fear of corpses.