ForumsNews and FeedbackDisqus users who post to comments sections without an AG account

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this thread is for posting the tags of disqus users who post to the comments sections without an ag account. with its tag in his/her hand, any admin can ban any disqus account from the disqus conversations categorized as "discussion on armor games".

q: is that possible?
a: it has to. if it's impossible despite the fact that ag staff administrate every single disqus conversation under the "discussion on armor games", we can simply quit disqus as one of the largest sites that host it

q: what is a disqus tag?
a: its the string that lets u to tag disqus users on disqus conversations. for example, this is my disqus tag:


if u copy paste it to any disqus conversation, it will appear as @doqck and i'll get a notification via email

also, every disqus tag starts with a @ sign

q: how can i spot such a user?
a: there are multiple ways:
-nickname includes a space
-profile pic is a photo that never existed in the armatar catalog. ask an admin/mod to find out if a specific photo was included in the armatar catalog(btw, my armatar is from a seasonal event in 2014. i dont remember which event was it)
-profile pic is the default. it looks like this:

q: is there a way to do this without banning users?
a: i hope this pseudo-javascript will prevent such disqus users from posting to this site:



q: ferret already created a thread about disqus. what about using it for this?
a: that thread is for talking about disqus and reporting disqus bugs, not for listing disqus users who post to comments sections without an ag account

  • 2 Replies
27 posts

I'm just wondering why would you like to ban users using Discus profiles?

Using Discus profile doesn't mean you don't have a ag profile so your &quotseudo javascript" won't work...

2,980 posts

When are you going to be done playing administrator? ... And finding &quotroblems" with this site?

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