HTML is disabled in the forums, so you can't type in a different font or align it differently, but there is a BB code for size, where the number is a percentage of the normal text size. That means your post would look like this is you didn't include spaces:
[align=center][font="Courier New"]because bbcode doesnt allow u to customize the text easily.[/font][/align]
There is a way to type monospaced text, and that is the code tag.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog and the text size is 36 pt.
[monospace]The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog[/monospace]
[monospaced]The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog[/monospaced]
[font="Courier New"]The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog[/font] I typed size=720 assuming bbcode measures text size in pixels
1) BB Code measures size in % of normal size, not pixels. That means the "36 pt" line is actually 36% of the normal text size (100 would be normal size), and the size=720 line is 720% of the normal size.
2) Neither the font or monospaced tags are part of BB Code. The way to do it is this:
What to type (but without spaces inside the brackets):
[ code ]The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.[ /code ]
What it will look like:
Edit: Let's see if size tag works on "code" text:
I set the size to 200, so it should be twice as big.
Edit 2: It didn't work, so now I put the size tag inside the code tag.
Edit 3: It looks like the code tag disables all other BB Code.