ForumsNews and FeedbackPossibly re-arange comments on games based on upvotes

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3 posts

I know kongregate does this and armor games might not want to copy what they do. Or that they could even do this because comments are from a third party site.

But should they make the comments for games appear at the portion of the page below the game based on upvotes and not the most recent one. this way if someone wants to give tips to players who have never played a game before they can if other people vote the comment up. Or if the developer comments on their own game with important information and people upvote it others will see weeks after the fact, Or if someone gives a great review of the game other people could agree and people would know what to expect from the game.

  • 1 Reply
12,319 posts

There's already a way to do that, and that is by clicking the "Sort by Newest" button, which will give a drop down menu. One of the options is "Sort by Best," which will give the comments with the most upvotes first.

Edit: I just found out that selecting an option from the drop down menu will apply that selection to all comments sections on games and profiles.

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