Ok got them all. Thank you. For me the striker was way more easy to play than the mage. You are a victim to most of the enemies in World 2 but once you reach level 29 (I guess?) you beat the s**t out of every monster on the planet and the game turns into a piece of cake. Great game though~
I know it's been discussed, but I comprised a short image guide for all the relic locations for Arc of Templar. You have to have the Unicorn Relic in order to complete the quest Magical Unicorn (Summon Magical Unicorn 2 Times On A Single Stage). The unicorn summons itself automatically. I think if you take your time on a stage, by either going to an easier stage and not rushing or really slowing down how you kill the last few enemies, the level should last long enough for two unicorns to come by.
Also, if you want to get your Templar up a few levels or need to finish the quest Perfect Companion (Reach Maximum Level With Any Captain), you can actually beat some levels without doing anything yourself. What you need is a color mage with the Thundara skill, Fire Spirit skill, the Bladeling captain, the Tinkerer captain, and all three relics. Then play a level like 2-4. You can just sit there as your Thundara auto fires and so do the Fire Spirits and the relics and captains help with the rest. I was beating the level automatically (doing nothing) while posting the relic guide.