ForumsThe Tavern17-time Gaming Champion JoshDragon Reveals His Secret to winning Flash Game Tournaments

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It’s story time guys. Today, I have a big one to share with you.

The story begins in April of 2012.

We flash back four years, to find yours truly, on the brink of elimination while playing in the fourth round of WiiPlayer’s Kompetition tournament.

It was Give Up Robot, that did me in…that’s all I can say.

Disheartened by my lackluster performance. I decided that it was time for me to step it up.

I signed-up for the next spreadsheet tournament, knowing that there was a lot on the line. Not only is it a big one (being the 25th edition.) But I’m also aware that my hourglass for winning one of these tournaments is running out.

At 22 years old, I know that I’m nearing the end of my prime as a gaming competitor. I need to win this championship before the window closes for good.

Resolved, I enter Kongrefeint with the belief that I’ll win.

Much to my surprise, Asmodous, the tournament host, starts us off with a game that is right in my wheelhouse. He picks Fancy Pants.

But there’s a catch. Asmodous, wants us to speed-run the game in under three minutes. That’s the minimum standard for qualifying in. I’ve never attempted a speed-run of this game before. It takes me several tries before I’m able to make the cut.

Normally, I’d be satisfied with that. This was only the qualifying round and there’s no risk of falling behind the red line.

I think back to The Kompetition. I remember how VideoGames, had torn through those early rounds. Placing 1st, 2nd, or 4th every time, until he eventually won the tournament.

I could have been like that. I even had an opportunity to take the lead during the second round. Instead, I chose to put in a B level effort and found myself out of it early.

My eyes narrow.

“Not this time.” I tell myself. “This time things WILL be different.”

I go to work on securing first place. I’ve got a fellow competitor who’s trying to do the same thing. Fusha, a former spreadsheet champion himself. Just like me, Fusha wants to declare himself right from the start. The only problem is that he’s competing against a guy who’s hungrier and crazier than him. I also pack a slightly larger arsenal.

I kick my game up a notch and go to work on optimizing my route. Studying youtube videos of other speedruns, I begin to map out a course to guarantee myself first place. Armed with a solid game plan, I sit down and proceed to
play the game until I can beat it in my sleep.

Next, I go to work on putting together the run that I need. The dream run that will ruin anyone’s hope of catching me this round. It take me a few hours but eventually I pull out a 157.

Fusha, sees how far I’m willing to take this and decides not to challenge me further.

It’s only the qualifying round but I’m already in full force. Determined that I’ll win. Determined that I won’t bag it this time. I know deep down that this title has my name on it. It may be my last opportunity at a tournament (this sized.) I promise myself that no matter what it takes, I’m going to find a way to win.

In this video Kongrefeint: My First Spreadsheet Championship

I describe the experience of what it was like for me playing in the tournament. The long days and sometimes nights of grinding it out against some of the best players on the forum. The final few rounds were just brutal. It's difficult for me to even put into words the amount of insanity that went into reaching the final round and then winning the championship with Blizzard and VG, just a few days later.

I hope you guys, enjoy this preview video. Let me know if this is of interest to you.


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