ForumsPopular MediaBatman vs Superman is Terrible!

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I have recently seen Batman vs Superman and it is terrible I have so much to rant about so get ready for the following wall of text.

The first hour of the film is just a compilation of random dream sequences, random scenes from the future and overall confusing scenes. If you make it through that hodgepodge of terrible scenes you get to see Jesse Eisenberg as... Lex Luthor! Jesse Eisenberg is a good actor in the right role but Lex Luthor is not that role. Lex Luthor who is a serious person, is played as a stuttering person who is the opposite of serious. If you make it through that you can finally see batman and superman fight... for 8 minutes. After that the movie throws in doomsday for no reason making superman, batman and wonder woman team up to try and destroy him. After a nuke is fired at superman and doomsday in the air. It actually DAZES superman, which is insane he is so underpowered in this movie. Doomsday then plummets from the sky destroying an entire city, luckily it happens to be uninhabited, so convenient.

The next part of this contains spoilers.

In the end there is a kryptonite spear that superman stabs doomsday with killing both of them. But wonder woman could of grabbed the spear! Or superman could of flown into the sun, which grants him temporary invincibility to kryptonite, and then used the spear!

No more spoilers.

All in all I do not recommend you sit through that mess of a film and DC have fun trying to revive superman for the justice league movie.

Feel free to leave your own complaints about the movie or (If you can think of any which I doubt) things you liked about it.

  • 4 Replies
16,587 posts

Lex Luthor who is a serious person, is played as a stuttering person who is the opposite of serious.

I agree with this one. To compare, Lex Luthor in the comics, animated movies, etc. is more serious, smooth, and evil. He's basically like Tony Stark except evil.

n the end there is a kryptonite spear that superman stabs doomsday with killing both of them. But wonder woman could of grabbed the spear! Or superman could of flown into the sun, which grants him temporary invincibility to kryptonite, and then used the spear!

Besides that, how did Batman not figure out that he had to go back to get the spear and let Wonderwoman do it instead. Also, he was barely doing anything in the fight with Doomsday.

The other thing is, Superman is also smart, why didn't he give it to wonderwoman.

My biggest criticism though is that the movie is like a two to three hour trailer for the next movie. They didn't honor a true Superman vs Batman fight.

650 posts

I would like to point out that it's not actually supposed to be Lex Luthor. It's supposed to be Alexander Luthor (his son). However this was not really touched on in the movie AT ALL, which is another big knock on it.

Superman literally had only found out about Kryptonite an hour before he fought Doomsday, so saying he should have flown into the Sun to be immune to it doesn't work.

Why he stabbed Doomsday himself instead of throwing it to Wonder Woman is a legitimate grievance, she's already proven to have the strength to cut Doomsday's freaking arm off with a NON-Kryptonite spear.

My biggest problem with the movie was that it really just didn't have a well thought out story and plot. Luthor especially didn't really seem to have an actual PLAN. OK, so he's pissed at Superman for.... some reason, and wants to destroy him. OK I can dig that. But then he drops Zod into the cloning pit and... what? Did he think he was going to be able to control the thing? What exactly was his plan for AFTER it killed Superman. Because now he's got somebody more powerful to deal with that he has no way to control.

And the whole 'Martha' thing was just idiotic. First of all, what kind of person actually uses their mother's name that way. Then it was just so forced and dumb. There are a dozen ways that he could have convinced Batman to stop trying to kill him, and that is pretty much the worst possible one I could think of.

7 posts

I think the problem with the movie is that it just tried to cram way too much in. Kind of like ASM 2 (which I personally enjoyed), it tried to do way too many things all at once and wasn't able to do any of them satisfactory as a result. It's like nobody realized that they didn't need to rush the DCEU this way. Just give us some solo films and really build the world, don't just half-heartedly try to rush viewers through one where all the players are already in place just to get to the Justice League movie.

As for Doomsday, that whole final act with him was unnecessary. The villain would have been better served as the antagonist in a much later solo Superman film. Instead we got a version of the character that made everyone mad and more moments that just didn't make any sense.

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