ForumsNews and FeedbackFeedback on Disliking a Game.

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5 posts

When you dislike a game you're asked what you didn't like about it and I feel that the feedback options you're given aren't sufficiently diverse:

No reason.
It's broken, I can't play.
It's too hard.
It offends or disgusts me.
I played it on another website.
It's like another game.
I just don't like it.

I'm not sure what happens with this information, but may I suggest adding an "Other." option where you get to type a response instead of saying you just have no reason for liking it.

  • 11 Replies
8,256 posts

I assume the purpose of that list is to have a kind of statistics of the most frequent reasons, in which case individual answers might not be ideal. Maybe @boppins can tell us more about this.
Besides, you could always write more elaborate reasons in the game comment section, which is meant for game feedback anyway.

Maybe you have suggestions for a more diverse list of reasons?

PS. Moved the thread to the News & Feedback section.

3,171 posts

Maybe "I just don't like it" could be changed to something more inclusive, like "I dislike it for different reasons"? It might also be a good idea to have "tedious or too easy" on the list.

I played it on another website.
I have no idea why this would be a reason to dislike a game.
30 posts

there was a game with one music that i didnt like and that music was the only thing playing for the whole game. i disliked the music but the game is fine, it wasnt on the list so i had to press "It offends or disgusts me." then "The music needs improving".

12,319 posts

there was a game with one music that i didnt like and that music was the only thing playing for the whole game. i disliked the music but the game is fine, it wasnt on the list so i had to press "It offends or disgusts me." then "The music needs improving".

If you like a game but not its music, then why not just play it without the music? There are 3 ways to avoid music depending on how well the game implements settings:

  • If the game allows you to mute or set the volume of sound effects and music separately, you can mute the music and still play with the sound effects if you want to.
  • If the game has only a single mute button, press it to play without music or sound effects. This isn't ideal, but there are ways to play a game with music from a different tab or program.
  • If the game doesn't have a mute button, you will have to mute the tab or computer. On Google Chrome, right click on the tab you want to mute and press "Mute tab" to mute it. Not having a mute button is a negative aspect of any game that has sound of any kind and can be considered a legitimate reason to dislike a game.

Conclusion: There are ways to avoid a game's music, so you shouldn't downvote a game just because of its music unless the game doesn't provide a way to do that, in which case the game has a settings issue. The point of AG's rating system is to rate games, not music.

I played it on another website.

I have no idea why this would be a reason to dislike a game.

I'm guessing this is for research as @HahiHa suggested.

It's like another game.

This also feels like research to me, as every new game would have things in common with previous games. Perhaps this could be changed to something like "the concept is unoriginal" to encourage originality.

It's broken, I can't play.

This could be split into "the controls suck", "the game is laggy", and "the game is full of bugs" with a note saying that completely unplayable games should be flagged. Otherwise, people may think that the correct response to a broken game is to downvote it and not realize the option of flagging it.

5 posts

Based on some of the suggestions you guys have proposed, I wonder if instead of just being able to choose 1 reason why you disliked the game, they should present it like checking boxes, to communicate all of the reasons you disliked the game.

Also, the feedback can be split into 2 categories; "technical" and "creative". This can separate the issues that developers can actually fix.
For example:
If someone finds a bug that freezes the game, it's a technical issue which the dev can work on.
However if someone just thinks the game is boring or cliché, it's a creative issue, which the dev can't really help on the current game, but can use as feedback for future games.

Here are some new list suggestions.

-Bad controls
-Slow graphics
-Game freezes
-Music doesn't loop
-Menu doesn't navigate properly
-Doesn't save properly

-Too short/long
-Story issues
-Bad music
-Bad sound effects
-Offensive to religion, race or gender
-Not unique (similar to too many other games)

(Type response here)

12 posts

I love dekkanoid's idea. That provides options and lots of targeted feedback. Maybe put "creative" first in the list, cause people love to click the first thing they see.

Also, perhaps just a "I'm too lazy to say" or something similar as the default, cause nothing is more annoying then being forced to fill out a questionnaire when you just want to say "no".

12,319 posts

Maybe put "creative" first in the list, cause people love to click the first thing they see.

Assuming the second part of the sentence is true, why feature creative issues over technical ones? Besides, it may be possible to put both kinds of issues side-by-side.

Also, perhaps just a "I'm too lazy to say" or something similar as the default, cause nothing is more annoying then being forced to fill out a questionnaire when you just want to say "no".

Good idea.

1,417 posts

Let's say just for a minute that such an option really exist!

If you have an option to choose from a certain list why do you dislike some game, wouldn't be the same thing for the game you like. I mean shouldn't there be an option for additional feedback in case you like the game! Just liking the game doesn't provide enough info about what exactly you like and vice versa.

Then we are back to comments, the only available place for giving a constructive feedback. Voting should be considered as general impression about the game, nothing more, it's totally up to you will you give some aditional info about it or not.

What I really see as a problem here , and that is not a new problem , it has always been and will be is not separating chit-chat from reviewing!

One of the possible ways to solve this , is to make a separate channel for game reviews! Would be a useful thing for game developers , moderators and all the rest!

Finding a solution that isn't too complicated by technical side , doesn't eat too much resources and benefits all would be a key of success here.

3,174 posts

I think a really simple option is missing:

- The game is boring.

More often than not I dislike a game if I find it boring. I know it's kind of broad, but it's better than no reason, which always makes me feel like I'm just disliking a game "just because".

650 posts

The 2 major options I want to see are:

Not enough content
Poor gameplay controls

824 posts

We need more options, like:
-It lags
-It has too much bugs and glitches
-Bad controls
-Bad graphics
-Repetive music
-Repetive gameplay

Options like "It's like another game" and "I've played it on another website" are just useless.

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