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I love this website with lots of games and stuff. Many users visit this website
but this website doesn't look attractive to them or me. I mean GUI's and link buttons are all old-fashioned. No offense. I must say this website must look more advanced, modern and attractive in order to get more visitors.
This website must be updated and I and other fellas may find it more interesting.
(srry for bad eng)

  • 5 Replies
3,174 posts

Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) are old-fashioned you say? I don't quite follow. Unless the site is all text, it's going to have a GUI.

3 posts

Like the new Profile Screen......

16,587 posts

Maybe it's that the forum page looks like an Excel spreadsheet with the default text and some bold/colored lines? I mean, I'm no Excel professional, but I could make a pretty good copy of the forums in an afternoon. The forums are black on white with grey and more grey, sprinkled with default blue for links. If your screen is tilted forward, you can't even see the dividing light grey lines between subforums or threads or replies.

I know you're simply trying to say that the forum looks a bit simple, or even lifeless, but I think it gets the job done. By the job, I mean, letting the user know what goes where. Sure the grey lines that divide the subforums could be darker, but I don't think I have to look very hard to see them. I'm not saying the forum is flawless, but it isn't as bad as you make it out to be. If you think you can make a copy of the forums in an afternoon, then they are probably doing something right because it's simple and easy to understand.


Armor Games green on some of the links that lead to bigger things would be nice.

If "old-fashioned" means "Microsoft Office 2010," then yeah, it is. You guys nailed the new profile pages. I'm pretty darn sure you can do the same with the forums.

If you're referring to the forums, then I might agree if you were going for a more recent version of Microsoft Office. If you're referring to the profile pages, I disagree.

I love this website with lots of games and stuff. Many users visit this website
but this website doesn't look attractive to them or me. I mean GUI's and link buttons are all old-fashioned. No offense. I must say this website must look more advanced, modern and attractive in order to get more visitors.
This website must be updated and I and other fellas may find it more interesting.
(srry for bad eng)

I know I'm sidetracking the point here, but if people want to go to a website that's attractive just to play flash games, then more or less they've come to right place. I've seen other major flash game websites and they aren't that pretty.

I must note though, I don't think the current appearance of the website matters more than the quality of the games you can play here.

Like the new Profile Screen......

If you're looking for an example of how distasteful the GUI's can be, I think the new profile page doesn't serve that purpose. So I disagree if you say that it looks old fashioned. A better place to use as an example of old-fashioned would be the page that displays the rules of this website, but then again, it's meant to be all text since its purpose is to display a detailed list of all the rules. But they could buff it up.

I respect your opinion, like how all opinions on this matter and all matters regarding the look of the website should be respected. At the end of the day, how an individual looks at the website and judges it will always come from a very subjective place.

3 posts

Thx for feedback. I respect your reply too.....but my post was in mid-2016. The site looked minorly different than it is now.

56 posts

I love the Armor games website....I know I have only been a member since last year, but I have been playing games here since 2007...I think it was (wish I signed up then). There can be beauty in my opinion anyway. I don't like websites that are too flashy and busy, and it is difficult to read. Besides, it is free can you complain? :-)

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