There is one button that let you flag game, but no button that let you report website bug.Can we add flag website button to report potential glitches?
Easter eggs:
Hidden things from web designers hidden touch armor games text messages or touch graphics.
Private profile options:
In edit profile we can add option to give someone permission to see some things on our profile e.g:Only Me,Friends,Everyone.
Also you can made e.g only your friends chat on your profile, or only you can chat under your profile, or even make only friends see your quests.Admins can if they want make that unlocking with rank level.
Tip:Admins obviously can see user quests and other.
Quest sorting on profile:
We can sort now quests in quest library, but If we want to found one our quest we must search touch other.Can we add an option to sort our quests like in library, or for better upgrade make an option to share our quests from all (not in about).
Game of the week:
I'm not sure, but if there is game of the day?Did designers decided to don't made
game of the week?