Hello, I think that armor games should get a forum update. The forums are nice but compared to other forums I feel armor games lacks quality. Some specific areas it lacks are: Hard to locate specific areas, I am new to the forums and I don't know how to even reply to people forum post to congratulate someones art work(If replying to someone is even possible). Armor games also doesn't support 'liking' peoples post; if I agree with what someones says I think I should be able to like what they said. I am not to sure about this before I go on and rant about it but do we have our own personal board? Like enjin gives each user a personal board were they can share their personal opinions and personalize their accounts. Those are some of the few things that should be updated. Thank you
The forums just went through a visual overhaul, actually. We are thinking of adding new features, like a visual cue as to when a thread has new posts since you last read it.
Are you referring to a "quote" button? So you can "quote" someone and it will automatically paste their response in a quoted format in the reply box?
We haven't talked about a reputation or "liking" system internally, but it sounds interesting.
You do have your own personal board, or really, a comment section. If you go to your player profile, you'll see. Look here: http://armorgames.com/user/SkinnyWhiteManX -- the profile page is something we need to overhaul, visually, as well.