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This is a walkthrough for newer users of the game "The Gun Game 2". I would advise getting a little better handling of the game (basic functionality) before reading this guide.
This is the easy part, make a new save, customize your character. The important part is to make sure you skip the tutorial. You will get 100 extra dollars so you can buy yourself the P30. Once you have bought it you can start your Rookie missions.
Rookie Missions
They may be rookie but not all of them are so easy. Note: Once you unlock Steady Hands equip it!
Training Day
This one is pretty easy. Just spam at all the boxes and you'll eventually win.
Dummy Shooting
Another super easy one. Just shoot at the dummies till they vanish.
The Orbdeal
This one is a little tough. My best tip is find a spot; preferably top or bottom where the farthest orb just hits. Right before it passes right past your barrel shoot. Once you destroy that one kill the one at the front. Then the last one is pretty explainable; easy kill.
Target Time
This one is probably the most difficult!
This one will for sure take more than one try. My best tip is to practice it. Keep playing and focus on getting all shots to hit each target; try not to miss!! Once you get the groove speed it up. Eventually you'll pass it.
Strike Terror
This one isn't so bad like the last one. Just wait for the dummies with AKs to pop up and spam your rounds into them. Be wary that they are not all terrorists.
After Rookie
By now you should buy the KH90 SMG and move on to the veteran missions.
Veteran Missions
These will bring a bit more difficulty to the board.
Carnival Glass
Make sure you only hit the bottles! Line your gun up, then make sure you do not auto-fire! This will take too long with KH90 and end up in a loss. Instead spam left click.
This one can be played just like Orbdeal. Though keep in mind smallest-largest. This one will be a bit quicker as well, since it's a one shot. :P
Radical Fire
This level is a lot like Strike Terror. Just make sure you hit the terrorists and don't accidentally hit a civilian.
Glaze Over
NOTE: This is not possible with the KH90, instead play some Endless Defense (under Defense) and gain enough money to buy the AK47.
Basically a harder Carnival Glass, again, shoot the glass with accuracy.
This is your first enemy battle. The main goal is to deduce his health to zero. To do so shoot at his hand. Since you'll have the AK47 this one is easier. Just wait for the moment to shoot his hand.
Beginner Puzzle
You will play this and Intermediate Puzzle before going onto Elite. That's just so you complete the game efficiently with ease. For most of these keep a controlled fire rather than holding down left-click; unless instructed to hold l-click.
An Easy Start
The main goal of the puzzle levels is to get the metal box to touch the yellow platform. For the first one shoot out the wooden box in front of you.
Baby Steps
Shoot out the box right above the two wooden ones on the bottom.
Position your AK47 along the bottom row of boxes and hold down left-click.
Leaning Tower
Just start shooting out the boxes from the bottom.
Shoot out the pillar of boxes in front of you; bottom, not top.
I found two ways of completing this one.
1. Allign your AK with the bottom layer and hold left-click.
2. Fire the boxes out progressively top to bottom, eventually it will hit.
This one is a bit more challenging. Shoot out the top wooden box. Now you can constantly shoot the metal box till it falls. If you don't win then before shoot the metal box shoot out the very bottom one. Afterwards shoot the metal box again, until it falls.
Double Trouble
Super easy. Line up with the bottom boxes and hold left-click.
This one's a real challenge now. Follow these steps:
1. Shoot out the middle box
2. Shoot out the top box, carefully!
3. Then shoot out the new top one.
4. Progressively keep shooting out the top wooden box and you should get the metal one safely down.
Line up with the bottom box and hold left-click. It should knock down the metal box.
Intermediate Puzzles
You might be a little confused, but, don't worry! It automatically sends you to the next set of puzzle levels after one set.
Barrel of Fun
This one I couldn't exactly find out. The best way I know is just hold left-click whilst firing at the red barrel.
Chain Reaction
Shoot out the front-most wooden box. After that shoot the front most barrel.
Blast Zone
This one is chance-based since the metal box sways the barrels. Hold left-click on the bottom row. Keep retrying until you win :P
Shoot the bottom most, front-most barrel.
Down to Earth
Shoot the front wooden box, then shoot the bottom, front barrel.
Sea of Red
Shoot the barrel second from the top
Shoot out all the wooden boxes. Then shoot the front/bottom most barrel.
Shoot the bottom-most barrel. Then shoot out the wooden boxes until the metal hits the yellow.
Going Up
Shoot the very top wooden box until the top of the metal one is clear. Then shoot the very bottom barrel.
Shoot the middle barrel on the very back row.
By now you should have unlocked the Tommy Gun. Buy it. Also, equip Eagle Eye.
Player Killer
Be careful with the Tommy Gun. Control your spray on this guy and he'll be a breeze.
This one is a little tough. Luckily the enemy is quite slow. Simply swipe your mouse by his hand while firing. Swiping it up and down and steadily should make it easier to kill him.
Use the same tactic as in Scarred but be more thorough; go through the whole screen, use the Tommy Gun's recoil to your advantage.
~By now you won't be able to beat the next guy. So time for some more puzzle!
Expert Puzzle
It doesn't matter what weapon you use, just due note I use the Tommy Gun here unlike previously I used the AK47.
Who's Newton
Shoot the box off the top of the metal box. Then shoot the arrow thingy.
This one requires a little bit of timing. Shoot the barrel and get ready to shoot the arrow right when it explodes.
Gravity Thinking
I haven't yet found a proper way of solving this one. The way I did it was shoot the front most barrel then switch the gravity, do that another time so the metal box could land. Sorry, but this ones more of a figure it out yourself. If you guys find out tell me!
Upside Down
Flip gravity and spray down the top layer. Once the metal box is above the yellow platform: change gravity.
The rest are very difficult to solve and really are best done when just messing around.
Back to Elite
By now you'll have unlocked the M249 SAW. Buy it. If you don't have enough play some Endless Defense for some quick cash.
This time you'll have less recoil to worry about and can continue with the swipe by strategy.
Fingerbanging Bob
No more crazy strategy. Just don't stay at the bottom and spam left-click at him.
Once you complete all the missions you can play as many of them and as much of them as you want.