ForumsThe TavernThumbs up / Thumbs down

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41 posts

I have thumbed down a lot of games from trying out armor games today. (I have played before, and even made the account a while back, but it's usually always rarely).

I'm a perfectionist, and I like to play games that are really good. (High standards). This usually leads me to down vote lots of games, and up vote rarely (But you better believe the up voted games will be decent to most people).

What messes with me is that I noticed that when you thumbs up a game, it doesn't do anything after that. Whereas when you thumbs down a game, a list pops up asking why.

My question is why does thumbing down require a list, but thumbing up doesn't?

Oh and btw, "What goes up, must come down" (Bush, 2001) Bush confirmed did 7/11

  • 4 Replies
1,318 posts

I think it's for informing devs about what do players dislike about their games. After all, one can thumb down a game for many reasons.

295 posts

Because if you release a game then odds are you already think most of the game is pretty good, so an upvote says everything it needs to say.
A downvote could mean anything from a bugged game to the game not being fun to any number of small things.

It could also be that they don't want people constantly downvoting games for no reason so they added an extra barrier for entry, or that they want to distinguish between boring games and broken games that might need to be taken down.

41 posts

Interesting how I thumbed down probably more than half the games I played on here, and only thumbed up a select few, even with this "barrier". I don't know why so many games seem terrible, but jew should know that games can be pretty good, and I wouldn't mind explaining why a game could be good, so someone knows how to build on their game from my review.

"Pearl harbor reminded me of my swimming lessons with a lifeguard named yulen lang, he sand me harder than a multiple tonne rock" (Bush, 1263).

3,171 posts

There is no such thing as positive criticism.

If they make a game that everybody hates, they'll want to know where they went wrong; if everyone likes the game, it doesn't matter. If you're really that interested in giving the devs a thorough run-down of what makes their game(s) awesome, you can do that in comments, either on the game page or the profile linked to it.

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