ForumsThe TavernThe Friendship Thread

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Hallo! This is The Friendship Thread. Inspired by hungerpains
I've seen the "Introduce Yourself Here" thread, but people in it usually just drop by and then disappear.

It's quite similar with the chat! Most people come in and try to socialize, but they don't know what to talk about. Let this be your inspiration Finding someone with similar interests is great.

Please don't ask other users questions that might make them comfortable, such as their real name, last name, location, etcetera.

Besides..who doesn't like being interviewed!?

I apologize for any reposts, I looked through the forums but couldn't find something similar...

martynnagle suggested that this thread would be against rules, since sharing personal info is. However, I highly doubt this counts as anything " personal."

~ Questions ~
1. What games are your least/most favorite? I have no hated games, but I avoid FPS games because they get me too excited... Story-based games are best.
2. What music is your least/most favorite? I have no most favorites, show me something as for least, I believe Country genre is worst so far..
3. What food is your least/most favorite? No favorite, I eat most things edible. But I would never eat raw meat..nope!
4. What is your favorite kind of animal? Anything I can tame and it's destructive. Caucasian shepherd!
5. Who's your favorite celebrity? You're a celebrity in my world
6. What's your biggest dream? Having a stable life where I can meet a lot of people and buy the things I want. But the thing I want most is having a scheduled life with no surprises..
7. What's your worst fear? I suppose being hated, though I could live with it.
8. What are your hobbies? Studying. (that's a lie) Talking to people is the best hobby I've discovered. It's like talking to a book, it's different each time.
9. What's the best game you've played? Persona 3 Portable was a really nice game where choosing your protagonist's gender changed a lot more things. Music, colors, relationships. It had many interesting monsters and also explained them, Social Links were also an amazing addition to the game.
10. What do you think about our world today? Better than it ever was, despite all the bad news we hear, it's easier to live. We sure do hear a lot of bad news, but at least we DO hear them today!
11. Are you happy right now? I'm overexcited right now...
12. Would you rather hang out with living or the dead? At the graveyard. I'll have lots of stuff to talk about to both dead and alive.
13. If you could live in a video game, book, TV show or movie, what would it be? I'd keep living in this world. I've gotten too attached to it.
14. What animal best represents you and why? Cat, I'm lazy but I'm also a predator.
15. How would you spend a billion dollars? Get a house separate for mom and grandma, move somewhere else, have a small house I can fit in, get a decent job. Guess I'll just lock the rest of it in my personal safe, better not act too rash.
16. What's your greatest strength? Knowing people, kind of.
17. What's your favorite word? Gobbledygook, sounds so weird. It also means weird.
18. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and how would you use it? Instantly making people go quiet. I'd use it for annoying and obnoxious people.
19. If you could time travel, which timeline would you travel to? Today is OK. I'm too lazy to get used to another timeline.

I hope none of those questions are over the line, if you dislike any, feel free to dismiss them...or add more questions.

  • 10 Replies
2,265 posts

Seems I'm the first x'D so I will give it a try !

1. Hated games, mmh i don't really have too but maybe, thoses who are quick making, in results laggy, buggy and unplayable. Preferred Rpg, Point and click, Escape ones, and game with a good plot thoses who can make me says wow.. Besides of that exploring and discovering and maybe acquiering rare items it's maybe what I enjoy the more in a games x'D !

2. Hate is a big world but maybe Rap, at least the vulgar one, I'm more a rock guy but I'm very open minded, Classic, old songs, video games music, and many more

3. I've really changed in this I would say fruits, but I didn't say no to an ice cream x'D !
I like spicy things too and generally I don't like high smelling things, like maybe garlic and things like that.

4. I likes many animals, my preferred are surely the ones who can be close to you, so maybe cat, dogs, horse x'D the list could be long..

5. I don't really have one, I tends to like people for who they are not for being famous, but if you want a name x'D I will say Jim Carrey.

6. As a personal maybe explore the world, they are so many great place here like canyons, mountains, Plains, forest, Lake.. Old ruins x'D I want to see them impersonal one: I wish someday all people could create a better world together, based on Unity values and whitout money but a better way to share services, more human !

7. I don't really fear of something personnal, the worst who could be happen is to lost more people of my family I suppose. But it not depends of me so it's not really a fear.

8. Talking, passing time with people I like, playing games, reading, learning, discovering,helping people and many more !

9. The best is really difficult to choose, so I will post some I really enjoyed !
Final Fantasy 7, Kingdom Hearts, Sonic Adventure 2, Dragon Quest series, Fantasy Life, Animal Crossing, and again the list could be long x'D.

10. We can makes progress , today world is a bit too egoistic, nombrilist and leading by crual people in my opinion

11. I've just wake up but, yeah I suppose I am Happy

12.Living but the dead I liked will always been in my heart in a way that they're not really die if you think at them

13. A sword art online like x'D, but I like being here too !

14. Wolf, Bear, Cat or maybe Lion another possibility could be a mix x'D like a Chimera.

15. I'm not really a fan of money x'D so I think I will pamper close people, and buying just a house or something personnal, keeping the rest in case of a problem.

16. Be myself I suppose ?

17. According to this forum it's maybe Hahaha ( seems I'm a psycho x'D)

18. Mmmh really hard to just choose one x'D maybe a Teleportation power, for discovering the world, or maybe one who can make copy for sharing more with others and help them like being simultaneously at many locations, or just being able to be invisible whitout any sounds x'D for resting

19. Maybe Medieval one, or early 19th century or a better future one ! But this one can be good too !

Seems I'm done Hahaha

8,253 posts

martynnagle suggested that this thread would be against rules, since sharing personal info is. However, I highly doubt this counts as anything " personal."

Just to clear this point, the questions are OK Some examples of personal information you should never share are given in the rules. It's anything that could directly lead to you as a physical person, like name, address, telephone, email, that kind of thing.
10 posts

~ Questions ~
1. What games are your least/most favorite? I like strategic-RPG games, hate click games or p2w structures.

2. What music is your least/most favorite? I like too much to say a favorite. I listen to anything but pop radio music.

3. What food is your least/most favorite? I EAT EVERYTHING....except for cauliflower and eggplants-they are abominations.

4. What is your favorite kind of animal? Hyenas are cool as hell.

5. Who's your favorite celebrity? Nobody i really look up to.

6. What's your biggest dream? Bring a new form of true justice to the system, take down the bad guys.

7. What's your worst fear? Thalassaphobia-fear of deep,dark water (and what is lurking beneath) Yikes!!

8. What are your hobbies? Helping others, animal caretaker, gardening, harsh exercise routines.

9. What's the best game you've played? Super Mario World

10. What do you think about our world today?
Crime is on the decline...not worried.

11. Are you happy right now? 100% content 100% of the time.

12. Would you rather hang out with living or the dead?
At the graveyard. Dead, would be interesting night.

13. If you could live in a video game, book, TV show or movie, what would it be?
"D**k Tracey"rivate eyes, sultry damsels in distress, over-the-top criminals....a PI's dream

14. What animal best represents you and why?
Brown Recluse; I'm a master of staying hidden, and anyone crazy enough to get close will get the poison.

15. How would you spend a billion dollars?
Keep 250Million for myself. Find important causes to spend the rest on.

16. What's your greatest strength?
Master of blending in with ANY crowd. I can read people as if they were books. I have a strict set of morals that cannot be broken under any circumstances. I'm a loyal, good person to have on your side.

17. What's your favorite word?
Backpfeifengesicht! German, means="A face that deserves slapping."

18. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and how would you use it? Pure Invulnerability. Nothing can break my skin or kill me. I could go take down groups of bad guys by myself hehe.

19. If you could time travel, which timeline would you travel to? Take me to the year 5000-my head might explode.

20. Whats your music album would you bring with you to a desert island? I would bring some Vivaldi or Bach, nothing with words, that would drive me crazy

2 posts

what the garbage bro this is lame

5 posts

1.first person shooters honestly but when i play i have NO chill xD
2.i like my music by my mood bad mood is hard beat and stuff like dubstep ect good mood something light
3.eel sushi.
5. italio brothers (music)
6.Owning my own island where i make the rules and i can do what ever i want in a house with walls filled with wasps
8.reading ive done a bit of writing but i cant stay on task of duty black ops 2 is my favorite !
10.the world is falling apart we will soon end are selves if we dont get better.
11.well after a nice bowl of ramen how can i not be!
12.chill with the dead they know there stuff
13.SKYRIM ALL THE WAY! a bit like a dog skiddish at first but i can also be your best friend :3
15.use 100k on lato tickets and the rest live it up yolo!
16. i can go unnoticed its a blessing and a curse
17.favorite word? about "filta fish"
18.never to die but when i feel like it (not because of pain loss of love ect i mean when i like am happy with the life i have lived) stay right here to be with you

1,954 posts

@thorsbear Smooth stuff we got here

@Last4Skull I totally agree with the Rap part, there's a lot of vulgarity nowadays also. And kids like it because they want to feel.. "adult" or something. Guess they think it makes them look grown-up. Plus they find it funny -_-

@hungerpains You seem like a child who's fulfilled his childhood wonder you're %100 content Good idea to bring something calm and wordless to a deserted island, by the way

2,265 posts

@Saiyoku I'm glad we share the same point of view . Yeah it's probably ones of all of the things people thinks who lead to be "adult", or "cool" but in my opinion vulgarity doesn't help anybody !

Fun fact seems I've typed world x'D I wanted to say word

824 posts

1. I don't have a specific genre I like to play. But I must admit, I am a strategy and tower defense master

2. Similar to games, I don't have a specific genre I like in music either. Sometimes I like folk music, but more often I listen to rap and rock songs. I mostly like songs with hard themes, such as politics and violence. If I had to pick only one song I like, that would probably be Sheperd of Fire, by Avenged Sevenfold.

3. Pizza, lasagna, spaghetti and some national Serbian foods.

4. Little pugs

5. Celebrity? I guess Dejan Toncic, actor and my acting teacher.

6. To become famous game developer, comedian and military leader. At the same time.

7. To die or become completely blind. I'm scared even of thoughts of becoming dead one day.

8. Acting, giving motivational speeches, playing games (duh), drawing and writing songs or short stories.

9. If that game is full PC, than it is Return to Castle Wolfenstein. If it is flash, than it is Strike Force Heroes and Raze 2 (I cannot choose one, both are great)

10. World right now is madness. And what seems to be worse is the fact that nobody is doing anything serious to solve that.

11. I made my whole group on acting class laugh as crazy. Sure I am happy right now

12. Zombie is living and dead at the same time, so I can talk to both!

13. Book: "Epic" by Conor Costic. Game: Return to Castle Wolfenstein. TV Show: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5DS.

14. Whale. Intelligent and calm, but I know to be dangerous when you make me mad.

15. I would buy a house for me, my brothers and my girlfriend (she will be, when I ask her out). And probably install an anti aircraft gun on the roof. Probably five of them.

16. My greatest strenght is my ability to make people laugh when I'm dead serious.

17. Repetitive. I have no idea why.

18. Telekinesis. Either if I'm too lazy or to shoot annoying people with telekinetik waves.

19. Somewhere between 1910. and 1999. To stop major world events from ever happening.

This still doesn't give you people 1% about my personality and character, but it is better way to introduce yourself than "Hello, my name is BalkanRenegades".

1,954 posts

@BalkanRenegades .. anti-aircraft gun, why? That's such an odd thing to have, sure a unique way to spend money.

Why do you think the world is a mess today?

48 posts

1. No Personal Favourites, But, I would really Suggest Kingdom Rush: Origins, Sentry Knight : Tactics and Sinjid.:

2. Almost No interest in Music. But.... I can't Live without Maroon5! Maroon5 (Band) Fills My Music World With utter Delight.

3. Nachos with Salsa is My Favourite Food. It's Ready-to-eat, and very tasty!

4. Obviously Lion, It's So brave and Courageous, and has a Don't-Threaten-My-Family Attitude, That's why I like it.

5. All N.A.S.A. Scientists, They're So 8)

6. Being a N.A.S.A. Scientist, The best Game Developer in The world, Military Legend, Being Richest, Kindest, Most Polite.

7. Darkness Is so.... S-C-A-R-Y!!!

8. Exploring Space, Reading Encyclopedias etc.

9. Black Ops 2, Sounds like a Scary Game, But is a Really Cool Game.

10. A lot of Technology Has advanced, But The Rate of Pollution..... So Intolerable! Lot's Of People are Dying Today Because of Pollution. :'( STOP IT!

11. I can't Imagine My Happiness Right now! But I'm sooooooo Sad, That my Vacations are Over....

12. Well.... Both. I can't Choose any...

13. I'd Go to Sinjid's World.

14. Cheetah, Brown Recluse and Lion. I Protect and Love My Family Very Much! I'm a Master at Hiding, I am sooooooooo Fast, Like you can't Imagine!

15. A House with a roof-top Swimming pool and Garden.Everything Else Dedicated to My Country and Family.

16. My Greatest Strength?....My Knowledge! I don't Have a Lot of Power, But People Call me The Walking Encyclopedia.

17. My favourite word is..... ABRA-CADABRA! Because It's A magic word used to Utter Spells In popular and urban Fiction.

18. Illusion, The Power to control Other Living Things....

19. I would Travel to the year '1245', To Invent The Light Bulb Earlier Than Thomas Edison!

I'll notify You, if there is any Change, Thanks!

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