The [CasualCollective]
Hi all!
Remember the fantastic game minions? it used to be the most popular multiplayer game on Kongregate, where it attained a 4.26/5 rating. It features a gameplay very similar to the League of legends, only that it is much more light-mooded and each game is relatively short - about 10-15 minutes per game.
The game is released 8 years ago. There are still about 600 active players. The most fantastic feature of casual collective is that it emphasizes on forging a close-knitted community. Once you get used to the incredible interface, it's impossible to quit. Also the players there are on average more mature and sophisticated. The forums there talk about serious issues like politics, religions and sex.. You know grown-up stuff. If you are tired of the trolls here in Kong, join casualcollective!!
Can used to play this game a lot. Can i play it now? There is patch announcement when game is loaded, but it was like this a year ago. I wonder if proucers of the game (Paul Preece and Dave Scott) are still alive... This site has potential and its pitty nobody work on that.