Something Dave @AClSllXVlll and I worked our way into. We're weird, we're funny, yes, we know.
Behind the Schemes. Scenes. Scheme. Conspiracy theory. Haha, get it..?
This game is about conspiracy theories.
Here we make conspiracy theories, of course for comedic purposes. Refrain from posting about something that could be considered offensive, or something that nobody knows, since that'll kill the game (assuming this game will ever live.)
Here's an example of how it'd go. (thanks to Dave for the examples) "Forum games" "The government is trying to see how we react to different situations so they can control us! Next up: The Matrix" "It's leaked government footage of genetic engineering, there were no aliens. Next up..."
Youtube! Run by lizards, devourer of hobbyists...Guess what! It all pours down to the same thing we covered previously...Illuminati. The "lay" button is merely a triangle from the side! They make more celebrities out of hobbyists- only so they can enslave young prey while they're still inexperienced. IT'S ALL A LIE. There is no freedom. All young celebrities belong to Illuminati. Why do you think they're so crazy?
Saiyoku is a government agent who made this thread to determine how many government secrets the public knows the truth about. You can't prevent the truth and we know about you too. Free. The. Truth! Free. The. Truth! *chants*
Ever notice how Trump is so orange that's because he's a sun lizard, and his hair is the hatchery for his young, it used to be his mate but they turn into the nest And in 2020 they'll hatch and push earth into the sun for more breading grounds they will live stream Earth's destruction on YouTube
Did you know MC Donald's chicken isn't really good for you. It just gives you diabetes and more cancerous diseases. Then you end up looking like fat Albert. Then when you sit down on furniture it will break. Then, once the world is on an island. You'll be the first one to eat alive cause the amount of meat you have on yourself.
You said you would play in xeano's tournament, but never posted anything after that. Literally. That was your only post up until now. You use Monty Python's progression of stuff something, I don't know what it's called. (iss liek where you think about something related to what you were thinking about, then you do the same thing with that thought) Python is a coding language, "emphasized for readability and compatibility". But it can be used to create a bot with pre-defined knowledge and can be emphasized for postability by reading the post and using its information to create a post related to that.
And so we must ask Joahana to take the Turing test and to answer this question for us: Are you a postbox with the ability to pass the "I am not a robot" captcha that is coded in Python?
@Muffin1634 OH NOES! I see Muffin has found out that John @Joahana is in fact, an AI created by SaiyokuIndustries™ ...
Conspiracy theories! They were obviously made for.. Guess what! Conspiracy theories were made by first Founding Conspirators that weren't actually "Conspirators..." but, hired men to produce conspiracy stories in order to drive in crazier people, creating a safe sense of community for them. Slowly this community would grow into something bigger, with more conspirators. Their thoughts would obviously sound way too crazy for the normal folk to hear, so they masked the truth from actual, daily people. Conspirators however, would have no power as they'd be considered as "crazy" "not quite out there" "dumb" by the society. It was the perfect plan.
Look closely... SaiyokuIndustries...S Y K N T E... SKYNET! SaiyokuIndustries is an alias for the goverment-owned super evil company Skynet! This is a warning for only the smartest minds on earth!! Next up: me
browsermmolover2, what does the 2 mean? He has a twin? Impossible! It was confirmed by Science that twins don't exist! NO! Twins exist! He is proof! Science lied to us! Or did it? What does it mean! Does browsermmolover2 truly exist? Wait! SaiyokuIndustries™ controls even the scientists! browsermmolover2 was created by SaiyokuIndustries™!( does it make sense? like, this is my first time trying do something like this.)
Science is actually a Heavenly Being's gift to Man to make them question their beliefs.
But what no one knew is that the Heavenly Being set this up so he can find a good argument for his existence because he got bored living the longest
Now you may ask... "Who is this Heavenly Being?" Well my unknowing friend, if you take Heavenly Being, take out some letters, add some more... you get "Science Guy" and do you know who the Science Guy is? That's right, it's Bill Nye
Bill Nye is the Heavenly Being!!! And he wants us to question his existence because Morgan Freeman was supposedly God in a movie. Wanna know how we got there? Science!
Common sense, despite the misleading name, is in fact a very endangered species, possessed only by the elite few, such as myself, and certainly not most politicians, who are responsible for pushing it to the brink of extinction in the first place.