Every armor game on the armor games site on my computer has a add bug even if I let the game add run the game I am playing well page down to the video add even if I've let the video add play out it well do it ever time the add reloads every minuet I try to play. I scroll back to the game and in short time it well revert back down the page to the add.
I can't play any game on the site with out the add doing this
Tim L. tanton
I've never really seen this come up before so I'm only able to share some guesswork for the moment.
To help me get started, can you please share some additional information about your OS and browser (name and version if you can)? Also can you please list off all of the addons/plugins/extensions that you have installed on the browser? Same thing with listing any software such as auto-clickers or other types of programs. Can you get me a screen grab and the URL of the ad/ads in question? If this happens with every ad on the page, just 2 examples will do.
As for what you can try, my first step (if this was happening to me) would be to run some scans (malware and virus) on my computer if this started happening. While the scan was running I'd try 2 other browsers. If you use Chrome, try Firefox and Edge for example.