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ForumsGamesRecost's Sad Rating

3 3444
83 posts

I know recost is a bad game and it's the one of the newest games, but why is it the worst?

  • 3 Replies
12,319 posts

A few things:

  • Recost isn't actually the lowest rated game on AG, as Super Moon has a 14 rating.
  • I think this thread would be better in the Games forum, as it's about discussing a game.
  • What does being new have to do with a low rating?

To answer the main question, I looked at the comments and found the following:

  • Apparently, many users considered it a ripoff of the Strike Force Heroes series, with a few even thinking the developers are the same as @JuiceTin and/or the game was a sequel to SFH3.
  • Several of the comments mention that the game is really buggy. I'll quote two of those comments below.
  • A look at the comments also shows that the story was poorly received.

Now for two comment mentioning bugginess, starting with one by @BalkanRenegades:

Problems that have to be fixed:
-Fix the enormous lag. I played this on both PC and lap top and it still lags very much.
-Fix terrible enemy AI. Although enemies see me, they will not engage in combat with me unless I shoot in their direction.
-Fix grenade and knife throwing.
-Add more weapons and improve accuracy for already existing ones.
-Add name tags for teammates. I don't want to waste my ammo on someone who I "think" is my enemy.
-For the god sake, remove "Rethink your strategy" slogan from Mission Failed screen. This is run-n-gun game, what sort of strategy am I supposed to use besides maniacal shooting in everything that moves?
-The game is pretty much a copy of your previous game, Strike of War. Which is pretty much a copy of Strike Force Heroes, significantly better game. Be original.

Here's one from @jamckay that reads like a review of a really bad game with no redeeming value:

This has horrible controls, horrible gunplay, horrible enemies, horrible graphics, and CLEARLY is trying to be another SFH. If not, then please explain to me A. Why there is a clone army for the bad guys B. Why the guy that controls that army looks EXACTLY like the scientist in SFH and C. Why the lead guy you are fighting against happens to be named the exact same thing as the main character in SFH 3

The first comment I quoted has 4 upvotes, and the other one has 2. Also, the OP is apparently not the only user who thinks Recost is underrated, as shown by this comment from @nomarg, which got 2 upvotes:

ouch, this game didn't work but it is currently the worst rated game on AG, I don't think it deserved this, for this website , its good, not playable , but good, peoples expectations were just too high, it deserved a 50 at least

First of all, an unplayable game is not good (except maybe in concept) and not worth a rating as high as 50. Also, the game is not unplayable, though it is extremely laggy for some if not many/most, riddled with bugs, and therefore not worth playing. That being said, I didn't even complete the first mission, as I downvoted the game after noticing the major AI issues mentioned in the first comment I quoted. From what I've seen of the game, it may be worth as high as something in the 30s if the bugs aren't as bad as the comments make them look, but otherwise I wouldn't worry about how low the rating is.

8,253 posts

I think this thread would be better in the Games forum, as it's about discussing a game.

I think so too ^^
Notifying @SpiritTaker of the section change.

Personally, I did notice the similarity with SFH games (already in the intro); however, the main reason why I downvoted it was the extremely shaky camera. It can be fixed, I'm sure, but it made the game visually unplayable for me.
83 posts

OK thanks for the notice, and why its one of the worst games.

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