ForumsThe Tavern [No] Thread: Let's everyone writes in his own language

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48 posts

If you think this thread is absurd, you may delete it. But it just occured to me, we should make a thread, where everyone writes in his own language. I guess we won't be able to communicate, but it's interesting, don't you think? Ok, I'll start.

Денят е хубав и днес ще отида на плаж.

  • 4 Replies
8,253 posts

Absurd, not necessarily. Against the rules, sadly yes. Here's Rule #1 as it is written in the Armor Games Rules & Guidelines:

All posting must be written in English. Posts written in any other language than English may be removed without notice. Exceptions to this rule:
- Non-English messages may be left on user profiles, but only after you determine that the recipient of your message can communicate in that other language used.
- Non-English messages are allowed in language-specific created Chat Rooms, but only for the stated language for that specific Chat Room.

Writing messages in an alternate language to deliberately bypass our profanity filters or to initiate flaming, trolling or spamming, will be dealt with swiftly and harshly.

The biggest issue is of course moderation (as is indicated by the last part). That's why we insist on having posts in English. While I suppose that technically, a unique designated thread like this one could be made an exception, it would most probably have to be restricted to specific languages, defeating the purpose of the very thread. And even with a restricted list of languages this still means extra work for us mods. So for now I'd say let's stop here, and if you're not satisfied by this explanation, I encourage you to contact @MrDayCee and see with him what could be done.
1,954 posts

It is absurd to me. People will just use Google Translate to communicate and it defeats the purpose. Spam opportunity to use all the languages Google offers :P

14,745 posts

@fromhell6666 I'm sorry, but even though I like the initiated idea, I have to say no to it... besides this being in direct violation of our website's rules, this thread will be too much work for our Moderator team to monitor and the fact that it is bound to spin out of control sooner or later.

14,745 posts

Locking thread because of abovementioned reasonings.

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