ForumsGame WalkthroughsSonny(2017)-Walkthrough

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Hi everyone. I've just finished the game 3rd times, and finished 1 legend run.
I'm write this walkthough to help you with legend run, and give tip to defeat each boss in the game.
Link to item list (not completed)
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About the Walkthough: This is not a step by step Walkthough, I only give the main idea of each build, and the battle in which people are stucked in with these build and ask for help.

Befor we start:
1. There are 2 bugs that make your legend run harder:
-If you sell item from page 2, the cost of your Item will be reduced. So you should sell item in page 1 first.
-If you attack to fast after evolve your skill, your attack will be canceled.
2. Don't upgrade any items except your end game items.
3. List of legend run I've finish:
-Physic/Fire: Hard.
-Physic/Nature: Very Hard.

Items to get (I only count items that you can get in shop):
-Zone 0: Sunglasses (Shop)
-Zone 1: Sunglasses (Shop 0), Storm Cloak (Shop 1), Lucky Charm(Shop 1)
-Zone 2: Swift Blade (Shop 2), Gas Maks (Shop 2), Jungle Armor (Shop 2), Venom Oid (Shop 2)
-Zone 3: Ignition Mace (Shop 3), Impact Helm (Shop 3), Blast Suit (Shop 3), Heat Shield (Shop 3)
-Zone 4: Shattle Blade (Shop 4), Rogue Scarf (Shop 3), Thermo Shell (Shop 4), Survival Kit (Shop 4)
-Zone 5: Katana (Shop 5), Riot Headset (Shop 5), Static Plate (Shop 5), Surge Resistor (Shop 5)
-Zone 6: Katana/Assault Rifle (Shop 5/Shop 6), Phamtom Mask (Shop 6), Shadow Cloak (Shop 6), Mist Lantern (Shop 6)
-Zone 7: Sniper Rifle (Shop 7), Command Headset (Shop 7), Shadow Cloak (Shop 6), Mist Lantern (Shop 6)
-Zone 8: Sniper Rifle (Shop 7), Command Headset (Shop 7), Shadow Cloak (Shop 6), Oracle Orb (Shop 8) *I'm not really sure about this last zone, I'm just use the set that give highest speed.

Start with Physic strain:
Zone 0 to 2 is quite easy, I think you can finish them without problem.
-Skilllist: (Don't upgrade these skill, you might upgrade Snap Kick if you want, but it will make Zone 3 and 4 harder.)
+Quick Strike
+Criple (Slow enemy by 30%)
+Regenerate (Good heal skill, dispel 1 debuff)
+Break (Stun with 4 cooldown)
+Drill Strike
+Snap Kick (Use to reduce cooldown of the skill you need)

Fire Strain:
-Skill list (At lvl 5)
+Heat Distortion: 59% Chance to increase critical strike chance by 50% (Fire)
+Phoenix Soul: Recover HP for critical strike (90% Power)
+Annihilation: Increase Power by 13%
+Fire Strike: 85% dame (58% chance for dame over time)
+Magna Beam: 125% dame (Reducing all def by 50% for 2 turns) 2 cooldown
+Sear: 144% dame (Burn) 3 cooldown
+Shell Shock: 181% dame (increase cooldown by 3) 4 cooldown
+Blast: 225% dame (Crit dame +120%) 4 cooldown.
+Flame Jet: 50% dame (Triple strike if previous skill is fire) 2 cooldown
+Envelope: 150% dame (Snare for 1 hits or 2 turns- reduce 80% speed) 4 cooldown.
+Blaze Aura: 112,5% dame (dispels all effects, use on ally to heal. Gain Blaze Aura (increase critical strike and hit chance)) 3 cooldown
+Barrage: 162,5% dame (all enemy) 2 cooldown.

-Problem: This build with be very hard at the end of Zone 6 and Zone 8. If you use Revive (by watching ads, this will be much easier)

-Ally: Veradux, Dr herregods (they don't have area attack, you can try other ally but I'm not sure will it work.)

+Shell Shock (Stun and increase enemy cooldown by 3, 4 turns cooldown)
+Envelope (Reduce enemy speed by 80% for 2 turns, will be dispel if hitted)
+Blaze Aura (Heal or deal dame to enemy, dispels all effect)
+Annihilation (To incease dame)

-Set 1: (control and heal) This set will help you will most battle.
+Shell Shock(Fire)
+Envelope (Fire)
+Blaze Aura (Fire)
+Snap Kick(Phy)

-Set 2: (dame) Few battle need this build. You don't have to respec as you already have these skill.
+Shell Shock(Fire)
+Envelope (Fire)
+Snap Kick(Phy)
+Drill Strike(Phy)

+Use Envelope to disable an enemy (slow the enemy speed by 80% will also make moss of their attack miss).
+Stun combo the enemy you want to kill: Shell Shock-> Snap Kick-> Break-> Shell Shock-> Criple/Drill Strike.
*Just keep doing that until you finish the battle.
+For boss, after you finish the Stun combo, cast Envelope on the boss and skip turn until you cooldown is low enough to do another combo (which end with cast Envelope one the boss again).

-Upgrade: Snap Kick

Nature Strain:
-Skill list (At lvl 5)

-Problem: This build depend badly on luck early on. Baron and Carbon 1st form is also really hard with this build.

-Ally: Veradux, Dr herregods (they don't have area attack, you can try other ally but I'm not sure will it work.)

+Haze (Blind all enemy, 6 cooldown)
+Constrict (Reduce enemy speed by 80% for 2 turns, will be dispel if hitted, 5 cooldown)
+Ground Shock (Deplete enemy focus if crit, increase crit chance by 30% at lvl 5)
+Synthesis (To survive longer)

-Start: (you start whith these skill)
+Haze (Nature)
+Ground Shock (Nature)
+Cripple (Phy)
+Snap Kick(Phy)
+Expose (Phy)
+Drill Strike (Phy)

-End: (you swap to these skill at the end of the game)
+Haze (Nature)
+Constrict (Nature)
+Ground Shock (Nature)
+Break (Phy)
+Snap Kick (Phy)
+Cripple (Phy)
+Drill Strike (Phy)

+Start the combat with Haze.
+Use Constrict for the enemy that is dangerous but you can't kill yet.
+Keep this combo on enemy that you want to kill: Break-> Snap Kick/Ground Shock(late game)-> Cripple-> Break
*Just keep doing that until you finish the battle.
+For Baron:
+For Carbon:
.Use Ground Shock-> Snap Kick-> Cripple-> Ground Shock-> Break (When he have more than 75% hp) and try to reduce his hp as fast as possible.
.When his hp is from 25% to 75% try to keep his hp at this area as long as possible to evolve your skill.
.When his hp drop under 25% try to kill him as fast as possible.
.Swap Constrict for Expose for both Carbon to kill them faster.
.These are good evolve for Carbon: Piercing, Erode, Bleed, Stagger.

-Upgrade: Ground Shock-> Snap Kick-> Cruelty

Note to all:
*Don't kill Avatar of Justice (Zone 8) unless you have barrier on.

Note to Fire Strain:
*Barrier Evolution shield you for 2 turns instead of 1.
*One enemy at Zone 6, and Sniper at Zone 7 have skill with 100% hit (and it also deal large amount of dame, Envelope can't be use to disable them.)
*Many battles of Zone 6 require Set 2.
*Boss Battle of Zone 7 require Set 2.
*The Battle of Zone 8 (2 battle Before last boss require Set 2 or powerful items, so that you can kill the enemy in the middle fast enough).
*1st Form of Carbon is the Hardest battles, his speed is as high as you and he can 1 shot you, I haven't found a perfect solution yet and in my playthrough, I have to try 4 times with 2nd build.

*Note to Nature/Physic: Zone 6 Mission 8 is really hard. It took me 6 tries with difference set and require luck to pass. (Haze, Break, Snap Kick, Cruipple, Constrict, Ground Shock,. Drill Strike,Expose) Pass 1st wave with 1 allies die. At 2nd wave, the 2nd allies die right before I can kill the enemy with poison skill. I pass the game with about 1/4 hp left.

*Note to Carbon 1st form: I will write detail about this boss later as his skill is really anoying. (75% hp+ increase def, 25%hp- increase power)
Nat/Phy:Break, Snap Kick, Cripple, Ground Shock, Drill Strike, Cruelty, Expose, Regenerate.

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Nicely done! You have earned the guide quest and merit!

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