ForumsSupport Forum[Solved] League of Angels problems

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7 posts

I'm having trouble with some of the events, and they say they can't help me on the LoA bug forums and that I should post here.

The lesser problem is the Angel Party event icon not loading, but that event can be accessed through npcs, although the UI doesn't fully load. Everyone on the server is experiencing that.

A bigger problem is with the halloween tree, again the UI doesn't fully load, but in that case it makes me unable to perform certain actions like spending wish points for items I don't have. Only one person responded in the several times I asked if anyone else was having the same trouble, but they said refreshing the game worked for them. That doesn't work for me.

I've tried all the standard stuff, disabling addons and antivirus, clearing browser cache and history, deleting relevant cookies from r2games and loa, even tried a different browser, same issues. I've also sent in in-game support tickets with no response yet.

The event was working fully before a game update on Oct 12th, and it ends tonight, so if anyone has any other suggestions, it would be much appreciated.

  • 9 Replies
513 posts

Hey, @JakkFrost,

The team is out on weekends so it may take us some time to get this looked into. As you've already contacted the developer which is what I would have suggested, to help us out can you share the link to your forum post with the developers with us? I'd like to make sure that we have all of the information that the R2 Games team stated within that forum reply.


7 posts


Okay, here's the link:

They weren't very helpful because I guess it's their policy not to deal with the armorgames version or something like that. When others on the server finally said they were having the same issue, i knew it wasn't just me. It appears to be some sort of a browser issue, as we all tried firefox and chrome with no luck, but then someone tried internet explorer and that apparently worked for them. It wouldn't for me, because I'm still on winXP and my IE is too out of date for your site.

However, because of that, I tried Puffin browser on my android, and was at least finally able to get the events to work properly on that, though still not working right on FF.

513 posts


Ah! This was helpful for me as I was a little confused about the Developers asking you to contact us. As there is a possibility that there may be some confusion for anyone that reads this thread in the future I wanted to mention a few things. LoA is developed by R2 Games and their forums are on a different site than was linked. For the future you can contact them here, If you had contacted us about a server that was set up for the linked site, we'd have also said something along those same lines as we don't have any way to look up any of the information on that company's database.

@JakkFrost, I'm going to follow up with the web team and see if we can't look into this a little further. I know that you mentioned that your IE is out of date, I was just curious if you happened to know if you had IE 10, 11, or a different version installed. If not, that's okay, I thought I would ask.

Thanks for taking the time to work with us on this!


774 posts

@JakkFrost I made an update to how we load the game on Armor Games. Can you try it out and let me know if things are fixed?

7 posts

@boppins ~ Yes, that appears to have fixed all the problems, thank you very much!

@RavePenguin ~ The problem is fixed, but for the record, I have Internet Explorer 8, which is the highest WinXP can support.

Also, apologies for saying this forum seemed useless in that thread, but when one is looking for tech support for a specific game, one naturally looks for a dedicated board to that specific game, with other posts related to the game, and one run by the maker of the game. I did actually think the gtarcade forum was the home forum, so thank you for the link and information.

513 posts

Hey @JakkFrost,

No worries. Glad to see that the magic work that Boppins did help to sort this out!


774 posts

@JakkFrost it's actually kind of both of our problems. We've been moving our site to HTTPS, and when I tested out the game in HTTPS it worked fine. Apparently they have some resources that are loading on a non-HTTPS server and that was causing your issue. I don't play the game so I wasn't able to fully test everything a normal user would see. For now the game will load on HTTP.

7 posts

@boppins ~ Ah, I think I gotcha. It sort of bottlenecked two sources into one destination. Hell, it even kind of looked like that visually, with some resources loading incredibly slow and some not at all. Oh those dratted intertubes! lol!

So this could pop up again in future. Good to know in case it does, I might be able to point at the potential cause next time, thanks again!

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